We provide one and two day training programmes mainly in the NHS. We would like to have these accredited by a college etc - we've looked at but rejected the Open College Network, City & Guilds route as they are locally organised and put additional requirements on us that is not warranted from our perspective. All we want is to be able to give crdibility to the courses we now run. Can anyone advise as to where we should go or how to go about it?
John Green

6 Responses
Try Skills mark
We have used Skills mark to acretit a number of programmes that are spesific to our organisation. A bit of work at the beginning but once we set up the processes it seems to be quite easy.
Institute ofLeadership and Management
Have you considered endorsed award through Institute of Leadership and Management
Skills Mark
I have search the www and cannot any info on Skills Mark? Could anyone tell me where and how to go about this?
Do you need accreditation?
Many short events are not suitable for accreditation and need to be more flexible and responsive than accredited routes normally allow. Using the ‘RARPA’ approach may be more suitable and effective and suit you and your learners’ needs. making such training learner centred and using a staged process that goes some to ensuring that each learner, regardless of their starting point and prior knowledge and skill, can recognise and celebrate their progress and achievement may be of more value. Futher information about RARPA and the ‘Effective Practice Web Resource’ are available from: http://www.lsc.gov.uk/rarpa
Arian Associates Ltd
Try NCFE they are very open to self-designed programmes and always willing to help.
developing courses based on need
We started ETC (SW) Ltd to shape training according to client need.
We now work closely with NOCN and aim to accredit training from entry level 3 to Level 3 in a very wide range of areas.
Some of these are very short 10 hour courses.