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How do you deliver training?


I have been wondering, what mediums do you now use to deliver worshops?
Is powerpoint still used? if so how much? Or has it changed to more flipcharts + group discussions / exercises?

I would love to know your thoughts

Sarah Leahy

7 Responses

  1. My way
    Hi Sarah,

    When I started training around 3 years ago powerpoint was king. I based every sungle course that I ran on powerpoint. i thought I was teh bees knees with all the spinning graphics etc etc etc

    However as time went on I gradually relaised that in most situations powerpoint was holding me back. i would say that at least 80% of my courses no longer use powerpoint and it is all based around flipcharts and exercises.

    Hope this is what you were looking for

  2. Plus ca change
    I feel that there are several issues here. First the appropriate traing method depends on what you are teaching – at one extreme the lecture (using Power Point) and at the other active, experiential learner centered training.

    For basic facts (bottom of Bloom’s Taxomony – see the lecture MAY work (although retention is only about 5%) – interactive e-learning is better.

    At the other (top end of Bloom) discussion, simulation, role=play etc.

    Finally, there is the issue of the desires of adult learners (see – in my thirty plus years in the training business I have found that the best trainers and training organisations avoid the lecture (Power Point) in favour of discussion, case study and simulation

    Jeremy Hall
    Churchill Fellow

  3. PowerPoint still works!
    I see our old friend PowerPoint is getting some stick again.
    Stuart, no wonder you ditched it if you used all the gizmos therein as standard delivery. You made the classic mistake of thinking style comes first and content and facilitation comes second. Incorrectly used then PP sessions will fail; in fact it’s the trainer who has failed and not the inanimate PP.

    Jeremy seems to only align PP with lecture. Not necessarily so when used well. Lecturing is not teaching, it’s lecturing.

    Teaching, training or whatever you want to call it can work very well combining PP with other tools of discussion, flips, case studies, exercises etc.

    Horses for courses as ever. Just don’t shoot the horse when the jockey is the weak point!

    PowerPoint is still a great medium for training and learning when used correctly and well.


  4. Wjat does your customer want
    I use PowerPoint to varying amounts depending on the training required by my customers and the type of learners. Working in the caribbean approches need to be changed as Intrapersonal and Intraverted personality types are predominant. Nonne every wants to present group work.

    Like any medium its success depends on the facilitator.

    PowerPoint comes into its own when used in the following ways

    Large groups, Reinforcing Learning, Streeming multimedia within a learning environment, Production of Notes and Handouts, When training is delivered by more than one facilitator and standardisation is needed.

    But any learning is only ever as good as the facilitatior its design and only the minimum number of slides required should be used. It like any other aid completely pointless if it does not meet the customer/learners needs,

  5. The powerpoint must be used but it should not be the only tool t
    The impotance of Power Point in any training program can not be ruled out, it is a strong part of training program, but in changing business and training scenario it should not always be the only part.
    The beauty of any training program is that it must be mix of all the tools of learning like, group discussion, case studies, games, simulation, powerpoint, presentations by participants etc.
    The mix of above will definietly add value in the training program

  6. Training methods and design
    It is interesting that the debate has revolved so much around visual aids. Whether one uses powerpoint or flipchart is partly a matter of choice (eg depending on the formality of the event), partly a matter of the match to the learning (eg inductive or deductive) and partly a matter of practicality (eg viewing flipchart in a room with 150 people can be hard). As with all visual aids, there is no one right answer. It is about making the best choices for the purpose and circumstance – and then how well you use that tool. I see the moves to favour one over another as little more than fashion. Perhaps powerpoint became a little too fashionable a few years ago and was over-used, or mis-used. I think it still is by some.
    In your question you also mentioned training methods, such as discussion and exercices. I think I have seen a trend in this area. Sadly, training designs are perhaps a little less sophisticated than they might be – this is a personal view. The lack of underpinning theory, the lack of appreciation of group dynamics and the lack of deep, robust facilitation skills is perhaps even more evident now than it was 10 years ago. Consequently, training designs, although slicker, are not always as well crafted as they should be.
    On the positive side, I see more ‘real work’ or realistic exercises present in training. There is more blending of work-based, 1:1, e-learning and courses into more holistic learning experiences. Programmes are shorter, sharper and more focused than ever before.
    Nevertheless, there is great diversity of practices from one organisation to another (and equal diversity of standards and results).
    I wonder where people see the future – mixing e-conferencing and live group work, more team based ‘real time problem solving’ learning, more networking, ‘google learning’, large group interventions or using web2 simulations?
    What do others think?

  7. Thank-you for your comments
    Thanks so much to everyone who has taken the time to reply, I have found the comments very interesting!!

    Thanks again,
