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How is your training managed? Members response


As part of this month's theme on the Training Cycle, we are asking members to share your reflections on how training is managed, in principle and in reality.

Here, Warren Broadbent, Training Co-ordinator at the Eaga Partnership Ltd shares his experiences.

Is training planned strategically in your organisation?
We are getting better at this, but it is difficult to get managers to think more strategically rather than short term in a business that has grown from 140 employees to 560 in less than 2 year.

Are you under increasing pressure to get more out of the same training resources? If so, how do you react to this? For the size of our company 560 employees, we have a very healthy training budget.

What has your training function done to improve the effectiveness and focus of training, and its impact on productivity? Developed more in-house courses we can deliver that meet the needs of the business. We are also an approved centre for Customer Service NVQ's.

How important is learning management now, and how is it handled? At present it is not a priority but I can see it being one in the next 6 month.

How can the value of training to trainees be enhanced?
More support from line managers to help implementation of learning back into the workplace.

Do you encourage employees to gain qualifications?
Yes, but we have a criteria that says it must be work related.

Is training needs analysis a regular practice?
It is now, but was not in the past.

Do you evaluate all training? If so, how?
Yes we evaluate training, the type of evaluation depends on the training taking place.

What are the main principles of best practice in running a training department? Get to know the business.

How can the status of training departments within their organisations be improved? Be PROACTIVE, get to know the business and add value, don't just be seen as a drain on resources.

Submit your own responses to these questions and share your experiences with other training professionals.