We are looking to launch a one day coaching course in October for about 12 people ( 2 free places for PR purposes)
but are unsure of costings – any ideas?
Lesley Somers
Lesley Somers
but are unsure of costings - any ideas?
Lesley Somers
Lesley Somers
2 Responses
More details please jrhep@etrs-stebbing.com //01344-382015
more details please to
jrhep@etrs-stebbing.com or tel:01344-382015
Coach training
I think from your email that you are looking to deliver these training courses and so I am sure you will have some competitors you will benchmark against. Certainly, there are several training companies offering public one-day coach training courses for around £3-400 per delegate. There are also a number of companies dedicated to training / coaching professional coaches and mentors, including the School of Coaching at the Industrial Society and the Oxford School of Coaching and Mentoring.
For more information about these and other aspects of coaching please visit the Coaching & Mentoring Network website at http://www.coachingnetwork.org.ukThis is a free information resource on the web or call us if you can’t find the information you want there: 0870 733 3313