We work for Child, Youth and Family, a service line of Ministry of Social Development as a team of training programme design and development. A non profit government organisation. Currently we are working on updating the programme of 'Dynamic of Maltreatment'. According to the review of the feedback, our care and protection soical worker lack the knowledge of discerning a difference between accidental and non-accidental infant bruising. Therefore, we need to add some information around this points. One best learning method we came up with is using some photos to illustrate different bruising so they can understand thoroughly. We borrow a book from interal library called 'Physical sighs of child abuse- a colour atlas' written by Christopher J Hobbs and Jane M Wynne, published by W.B. Saunders Company Ltd in 1996. We want using approximately 10 photos in that book to support the training. It is a UK based company, the address stated in the book is :
24-28 Oval Road, London NW1 7DX,UK. But we failded to get hold of them and can't find email address to contact them. Would anyone be able to tell us what is the best approach? We are really in a urgent situation. There are several infant death already occurred in relation to the failure of early recognition of the sign of physical abuse.
Xin Huang

2 Responses
contacting authors
You need to contact the authors.
A little web searching has shown that this publishing house is no longer trading.
Other books by the same authors list other publishers.
The authors are listed as working :”By Christoper J. Hobbs,BSc, MB, BS, FRCP, DobstRCOG, FRCPCH, Consultant Community Paediatrician, St. James’s University Hospital and Senior Clinical Lecturer, Leeds University, Leeds UK; Helga G. I. Hanks, BSc, Msc, DipPsych, AFBPsS, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, St. James’s University Hospital and Honorary Senior Lecturer, Leeds University, Leeds, UK; and Jane M. Wynne, MB, ChB, FRCP, MRCPCH, Consultant Community Paediatrician, Leeds General Infirmary and Senior Clinical Lecturer, Leeds University, Leeds, UK
So you could call the hospitals and make contact that way or via publishers Churchill Livingstone
Good luck
Contacting Elsevier
Xin Huang
This publisher is now part of the Elsevier group. Their main medical contacts are in the US and you can email them at:
However, you may find it easier to get direct permission from:
Elsevier UK
The Boulevard
Langford Lane
Telephone: +44 (0) 1865 474010
Fax: +44 (0)1865 843010
Web Site: http://www.elsevier-international.com
Unfortunately I don’t have an email address for them at Oxford.
I wish you the very best of luck.