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Let’s face it, being a freelancer can be very lonely and it can be very easy to beat yourself up when something goes wrong. If you’re not careful you can get on a downward spiral of self doubt – when that happens you may feel like giving up and going back to corporate life.

So how can you stay committed to your training business even when the going gets tough?

You must take the time to build up a group of people who you know, like and trust, people that you can be really open and honest with and that you can talk to about how you are feeling. And of course you can do the same for other people too – it works both ways.

Something else that I always recommend and I find incredibly useful is to keep a Success Diary. I find that people are always too ready to focus on the things that they haven’t done and be negative about it rather than the things they have. A Success Diary is a daily record of the things that you have done that you would count as a success – no matter how small , eg, made a phone call, had a coffee with a potential client, cleared your email inbox. Then at the end of the week have a quick flick through all these things. You will be amazed at what you have actually achieved and how much nearer you are to achieving your goals.

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