We are coming round to the time of year again where the majority of the organisation attempt to carry out their team’s performance appraisals. As such we are running some 2 hour refresher workshops, but really could do with some inspiration for making it more exciting.
Anything that has worked well in the past, or any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Lisa Arrowsmith
Anything that has worked well in the past, or any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Lisa Arrowsmith
3 Responses
make it real
ask those coming to bring with them a brief write up of a situation they think may cause them a challenge in the real appraisal round.
Then you can either role play it or use it as a basis for a peer coaching session
Hope this helps
Think big!
Hi Lisa,
I have a couple of fairly detailed case studies that I use. The first one gets workshopped as a group (about ten come on the course) and the next one is done in twos. The group one is deliberatly the trickiest; a completely average employee with no ambition! I copy out the appraisal form on a wall covered in flipchart paper so it can end up very technicolour. I find my scented marker pens go a long way to help jazz things up too!
Best wishes,
Exciting Appraisal Training(?)
I agree with the previous comments. Work with real life scenarios and facilitate discussion around the examples. Another extremely successful option is to use actors who are expereinced in corporate role plays. Delegates are then not under pressure and you know that observing situations are really powerful. So, appraisal training can be exciting!
Have fun.