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Sudhakar I. Prabu


Leadership Coach, Leadership Development Consultant, Performance Improvement Consultant

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How to Perform to the fullest potential each day?


Peak performance is about performing to the fullest potential on a daily basis, not one rare spectacular performance and keep talking about it rest of the days. Peak-Performers are those who make things happen in organizations, and they do it consistently. The ability to maintain the same high level of focus, intensity, and commitment that produce results consistently is what makes them organizational champions.

Organizations' demand and expectation for consistent high level of performance posts a common challenge to every peak-performer, how to maintain and retain peak-performance and perform to the fullest potential each day?

The law of nature is that all that we see in this world move from good to decay and when things are used repeatedly there bound to be wear and tear. To restore its original form some maintenance and care is essential, and it must happen continually.

Just like everything else if anything is not maintained and cared properly it will deteriorate eventually, Peak-Performance are no different. If peak-performers are not cared enough and peak-performance is not maintained regularly, they will eventually loose their edge (level of energy, focus, intensity, commitment, and engagement). Therefore, what one must do to maintain the Peak-Performance and perform to the fullest potential each day?

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Simple things and significant results:

Every Peak-Performer need to continually re-energize, refresh, regain focus, clarify commitment, fine tune their performance, and restore balance in life to perform to their fullest potential every day.

Rest and Renewal: Rest and renewal must happen on daily and weekly basis.

The effective rest and renewal is the greater one's enthusiasm and energy level is each day at work. We are designed in such a way that rest and renewal essential for effective everyday living. Rest is everyday routine and can use the week ends to renew one self continually. Resting and renewing is like recharging a battery. One must make it to result in re-energizing and make one ready to begin the new day, new week with new enthusiasm and new excitement. Often basic things like rest and renewal that happens in every day life meaningfully and purposefully is what makes big difference in maintaining peak-performance.

To make rest and renewal effective follow the principle of here and now effect. Here and now principle is as simple as shutting down distractions and focus on what is happening at the time. If one is working at office, spending time with spouse, playing with kids, taking rest, or anything, just fully indulge in what is at hand to make the most of what is happening. There is no point worrying about whats going on at home while working in the office, wondering what needs to be done at work while spending time with kids and family, thinking about the upcoming championship match while spending time with spouse, or allowing anxiety to take over while laying on best when one must rest is not going to help in beginning the new day and new week with same high level of energy, focus, and commitment to retain peak performance. Do what needs to be done at their own time and space.

Use sleep, relationships, spiritual activities, recreational activities to the fullest effect to recharge batteries.

Restore focus and commitment: Restoring focus and Commitment must happen Quarterly.

Busy schedules and distractions are reality, they tent to make one eventually ineffective. Peak-Performers must take time off frequently, preferably once in a quarter, to evaluate how purposeful their busy schedules are and what are the factors distracting them and taking them away from their real priorities.

Often busy schedules obscure real purpose that enable a peak-performers to fulfill the vision for which they are relentlessly working. Frequently take time to introspect and slowdown from the busy schedule to regain focus, reaffirm vision, and clarify priorities according to the reaffirmed vision.

Distractions are all around, they are deceptive, they are interesting, they are attractive; but once give in they take one away from real priorities, Peak-Performers are no exception to this real temptations. Frequently take time out to discover what are those distractions are or potential distractions are. Evaluate what issues need to be solved and what need to be handled in a way that is not going to affect what is focused. Discover what measures one need to take to restore 100% focus. Awareness of and consequence of losing focus on those priorities is an aid one can use to restoring focus is one is found to be distracted and off track.

Once you clarify priorities and set mind on things that need to be focused on, commit one self cent percent.

Restore Balance: Restoring Balance is a must annually.

The problem of imbalance is relevant for everyone, it is important for every one in organization, but it affects peak-performers much more than others. Life is a constant struggle for balance: Things are moving much faster than one can cope with and peak-performers are responsibilities to do more in less time, in addition to that they have to meet higher standards of performance expectation and often have to work with inadequate or fewer resources. Therefore balance in life is more important, because it avoids distortion and breakage in life. When balance is restored, after a brief or prolonged period of struggle, it bring personal peace, tranquility, perspective, and new way of looking at life and new reason for continuing to be a peak-performer.

For a peak-Performer, just like all others, life is just not about work alone but there is more to it. Peak-Performer must take a holistic view of life, in which work and family and other things are part of one life and they are inter connected. Work, family and other things are equally important and each one serve different purpose and meet different needs, the choices one makes and what happens at one affects the other aspect of life of a peak-performer. Therefore it is important for peak-performers to annually spend time in examining their life to discover how to maintain balance. Balance prolongs their ability to maintain and retain same high level of focus, intensity, and commitment, therefore they last long as peak-performers.

Discover what is causing the imbalance and where imbalance is happening. Review how decision affects other areas in life – how they limiting or enhancing one's effectiveness. How one splits and spends resources in major areas of life.

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Sudhakar I. Prabu

Leadership Coach, Leadership Development Consultant, Performance Improvement Consultant

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