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How To Plan Your Week For Better Productivity


Every person at least once had a life situation when he or she was overwhelmed with tasks and had a desire to leave all that for fortune. However, that never helps how hard you will ask. The only truthful fact in this situation is an evidence that this person is not able to manage his or her time and does not realize what volumes of work he can complete within a stated period of time.

The only right piece of advice, in this case, is to get acquainted with such term as “planning” and make it an indispensable part of your everyday life.

Today we will focus on tips that will help you to plan your working week more effectively and never leave all your task list for tomorrow.


1. Analyze the weekly tasks

Every person has a list of tasks for a week that are repeated by him on a weekly basis. For example, you wash up, visit yoga twice a week or have a family supper every evening. If you got accustomed to these activities and they are important for you, list all of them. You may forget some of them when you analyze your working week for the first time but with some time you will find a suitable place in your calendar to each of them.

Split your tasks and responsibilities into several columns:

  • Professional tasks;
  • Family and household chores;
  • Personal tasks.

Never try to compromise on your family to manage more professional tasks as even a strong and loving family can give a crack. Devote time to each group of tasks. Try to cope with all your professional responsibilities within your working hours not to let work into your personal life.

2. Set priorities

It goes without saying that some tasks must be solved earlier than the other ones. Whether you have deadlines or realize that the speed of their completion will influence the results but you should start your week with your priorities. You can group your activities into three parts again:

  • Must be done;
  • Should be done;
  • Might or might not be done.

As soon as you make these lists, try to devote the most productive part of your day to the tasks from the first group. You can even devote them a bit more time than required to avoid emergency situations or surprises. If you manage to complete them faster, the rest of your time can be dedicated to assignments that might be done.

When you complete the most important tasks on time, you feel that you make progress and that is a great motivation to continue to achieve goals.


3. Make up a schedule filled with tasks and time for their solution

We got used to the word “schedule”  thanks to our school years and on hearing this word each of us imagines a huge paper table with time and lesson to visit. Everyday life schedule does not differ much from the school one, but modern technology has made it much more interactive, comfortable and productive. You can use a calendar on your phone or download any time management application and you will not only get a table with time to fill in but also a variety of other functions like reminders or prioritizing.

That will help you to get all the tasks out of your head and track their progress anytime and anywhere.


4. Force yourself to review your progress to be able to improve time use

Be confident that the first effort to build up your working week will be not absolutely successful. You will forget to include some tasks, devote not enough or too much time for their completion or make unplanned changes during the week, but with some time you will learn how to plan it more efficiently and be surprised how well you have planned everything.

Track your progress regularly, analyze your mistakes and reasons why you have made them and it will be the only right way to self-improvement.

5. Devote time to rest and fulfilling routines

Unfortunately, many of us do not refer rest to important activities of our everyday life, but in reality, our engine may break down without oiling. Rest and leisure time are the only time periods when you can charge your organism for another rat race of your life. Don’t assume that you will relax immediately after you complete one or another task, devote time to this important procedure in your schedule. Taking up your favorite activity or a simple nap can give you a boost for the whole week and even more, so fulfill yourself with routines that bring about pleasure.


Planning your week is a step forward in your efforts to make an order in your career, family life, and thoughts. As soon as you transform this activity into a habit, you will see great enhancement in your life and feel that you have become more successful and confident. Who does not dream about that?