IBM present ‘Business woman on the move’ event, 21 May 2001. Recognising ‘the astounding worldwide growth of women-owned businesses and women in the workplace has captured the imagination and attention of world leaders, policy makers and the private sector.’
At this one day conference you will have the opportunity to:
- network with well known women entrepreneurs and leaders
- learn how to build your brand on-line increase your internet and web knowledge
- learn the results of new research on UK women entrepreneurs
- catch up on current and future government programmes for women
- learn about creative small business programs for the small business owner
- take advantage of a complementary Internet/Web consulting session
More information and registration details at:IBM-UK.
At this one day conference you will have the opportunity to:
- network with well known women entrepreneurs and leaders
- learn how to build your brand on-line increase your internet and web knowledge
- learn the results of new research on UK women entrepreneurs
- catch up on current and future government programmes for women
- learn about creative small business programs for the small business owner
- take advantage of a complementary Internet/Web consulting session
More information and registration details at:IBM-UK.
- network with well known women entrepreneurs and leaders