Editor’s note: We think Paul’s idea is a great one, hence the addition of this ‘story’ to our news pages – do contact him if you would like to get involved.
Compilation of Ice Breakers
Dear All,
If you are still interested in contributing to the Compilation of Ice Breakers for all to use, please email me your contribution on: pwinbanks@dmgradio.com.au in the email body or Word format only please
Sorry about the delay in getting this started but we have been rolling out new software to many new sites.
Please state the following with a brief description of your favourite Ice Breaker:
· Title of the Ice Breaker: (Be creative!)
· What props are needed (Pens, paper, deck of cards etc)
· Preparation Time: How long it takes to set up/ create the props
· Space required: Empty Room/ At desks/ Outdoors etc.
· Type of Activity: Large Group/ Small Group/ Solitaire
· Social Risk Level: Low (Anyone will do it) /Medium (Most people will give it a go) /High (Only gutsy people will do this one)
· Humour Level: Sniggers/ Laughs /Uncontrollable fits of laughter
· Target Audience: Indoor Staff/ Outdoor Staff
· Target Trainer: IT/HR/e-Learning/ Coaching/ Mentoring
· Time: Roughly how long it takes to run
· Type of Ice breaker:
Getting to know each other
Introducing the topic
Fun and Frivolous
Reinforcing a concept
(Thanks Jennifer)
I may have to edit responses. I will include Graham’s website references and will forward the end result to the editor for her to upload to the website.
Thanks to those ‘adventurous’ trainers who will contribute. I cannot wait to see what everyone comes up with!
Paul Winbanks
Compilation of Ice Breakers
Dear All,
If you are still interested in contributing to the Compilation of Ice Breakers for all to use, please email me your contribution on: pwinbanks@dmgradio.com.au in the email body or Word format only please
Sorry about the delay in getting this started but we have been rolling out new software to many new sites.
Please state the following with a brief description of your favourite Ice Breaker:
· Title of the Ice Breaker: (Be creative!)
· What props are needed (Pens, paper, deck of cards etc)
· Preparation Time: How long it takes to set up/ create the props
· Space required: Empty Room/ At desks/ Outdoors etc.
· Type of Activity: Large Group/ Small Group/ Solitaire
· Social Risk Level: Low (Anyone will do it) /Medium (Most people will give it a go) /High (Only gutsy people will do this one)
· Humour Level: Sniggers/ Laughs /Uncontrollable fits of laughter
· Target Audience: Indoor Staff/ Outdoor Staff
· Target Trainer: IT/HR/e-Learning/ Coaching/ Mentoring
· Time: Roughly how long it takes to run
· Type of Ice breaker:
Getting to know each other
Introducing the topic
Fun and Frivolous
Reinforcing a concept
(Thanks Jennifer)
I may have to edit responses. I will include Graham’s website references and will forward the end result to the editor for her to upload to the website.
Thanks to those ‘adventurous’ trainers who will contribute. I cannot wait to see what everyone comes up with!
Paul Winbanks