I need to find an exciting, fun yet seemless game or activity that will allow 60+ individuals who have never met before to get to know each other's names, losen up and feel comfortable to rely on each other. Its all about forging them together as a group. Can anyone help me?

4 Responses
Growing the chain…
This icebreaker is detailed on my website and can be used for any size group. You could also offer a prize for the longest chain which will encourage more interaction, but ensure the prize will stretch to the entire group as they may end up with 1 chain!!! Here’s the link http://odinnovations.org.uk/ESW/Files/Icebreakers.pdf
O D Innovations
People Bingo
the obvious icebreaker to me is People Bingo. If you can email all the participants first with questions about themselves to answer such as:
Those kind of questions. Then from their answers make up a Bingo card using the answers eg find 2 people who’s favourite food is Chicken Tikka Masala or find 3 people who love going to the US on holiday etc. If you don’t have time to email people beforehand you can make up your own answers for them to find people for.
I hope you get the idea. You can have a prize for the person that calls ‘Bingo’ or has the most answers completed in the time you have allowed.
I’ve found it a useful fun icebreaker for a large group in the past.
Forging a group
I don’t know if it will work with as many as 60+, but a personal / workbased ‘Bingo’ is fun. Prepare on paper or card handouts some ‘who has’ questions such as ‘a red car’, ‘cat’, ‘dog’, ‘blue eyes’, or ‘has own office’, ‘uses red pens / pencils’, ‘works in X town / base’, etc. You can use your imagination endlessly!
Each participant is then given the paper or card and they have to go around the room, introducing themselves to other people & answering the questions. Once someone has filled all the answers, they shout ‘Bingo’ and the game is won. Answers can then be compared.
Gets people moving around & chatting to each other. Some hardly fill in any answers as they are too busy networking!
Jo Hall
Denbighshire County Council & Unison
Here’s a fun “Getting to Know You” activity: Everyone’s a star!
First determine how many groups you’d like to end up with. For 60 people, maybe 12 groups of 5 each, or 10 groups of 6? Then decide which well-known movies to use. Here’s a short list:
The important thing is that most of the people know most of the characters in the movies you choose. Then you make up name cards (that they can wear) with the names of characters from the movies. So you would have, say, Luke, Princess Leia, R2D2, 3 CP0, Darth Vader, followed by, say, Dorothy, the Wicked Witch of the West, the Tin Man, the Cowardly Lion, the Scarecrow and Toto. As the participants come into the training room, randomly distribute a name card to each of them. At your signal, then, they must all move about the room, looking for the other characters in their movie.
It’s a fun icebreaker, and for the rest of the day, "Dorothy" will be happy to work with "Toto."
Ellen (edowling@standuptrainer.com)