I have been asked to come up with an icebreaker for the start of a meeting that will involve about 50 people. The challenge is that the meeting with be conducted via Intercall and Adobe connect but those attending will not have their cameras activated. I would like to do something that will result in those attending discovering something about themselves or each other and then sharing through the message board. Those in attendance will be a group of content developers and trainers for a finance company and the meeting is a monthly business update. Any assistance you can give me would be greatly appreciated
3 Responses
Custom pods make great ice breakers
I'd recommend using a custom pod – something like LocationMap in your lobby.
Participants can place themselves on an interactive map and see the different locations from which people are attending. There are other games like Roshambo (Rock, Paper, Scissors) that work well as an ice-breaker.
You can find the custom pods here: http://www.adobe.com/products/adobeconnect/apps.html
Custom pods make great ice breakers
Thanks for the suggestion, I will have a look at both of these. Can I ask how Roshambo works using Adobe?
Ice Breaker
I would recommend not assuming everyone who attends an event is "icy"
So called "Ice Breakers" usually do the exact opposite of what you think they will do.
If anyone asked me to do something silly or energising or fun to get me in the mood I would head for the toilets and come back when the event starts.