I am delivering training to a group of administrators. One of the topics that need to be covered is “decision-making”. I would appreciate any guidelines, tips or exercises I can use to bring this section “to life” and share something with the participants that they can apply in their workplace and personal lives. Many thanks.
Leanne Davies
Leanne Davies
5 Responses
decision making techniques
You might find this useful – http://www.mindtools.com/pages/main/newMN_TED.htm
decision making techniques
You might find this useful – http://www.mindtools.com/pages/main/newMN_TED.htm
Interesting PDF Document
The Six Hats
I have successfully used Edward de Bono’s six thinking hats to help in a decision making training event.
It was part of a two stage process – the first used the Blue, White and Green hats and was all about creative idea generation. In this mode you want to encourage ideas (without any assessment) and is based around the process of “divergent” thinking.
Then we used the Black, Yellow and Red hats to assess the ideas generated. This provides an opportunity for individuals to talk about all the potential upsides of an idea (yellow hat), what might go wrong with an idea (black hat) and how they feel about it (red hat) – crucially without having to justify why they feel like that.
We found that the red hat could throw up some very interesting reactions that underpin decision making, but that are infrequently admitted into the process.
Find out more about the six hats at wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_Bono_Hats)
I hope this gives you some ideas…
Email me for an exercise called WHO GOES TO THE BULL.
It is a decision making exercise that might be useful and fit the bill for you