I am looking for some advice on the easiest way to implement a mentor programme across both contact centre and field based area.. getting buy in from the managers is proving difficult.. i thought this would be an aid as it would free up their time to complete more coahing and development withi their teams.
I am looking for some advice on the easiest way to implement a mentor programme across both contact centre and field based area.. getting buy in from the managers is proving difficult.. i thought this would be an aid as it would free up their time to complete more coahing and development withi their teams.
4 Responses
E Mail
If you send me an e mail I will send you a useful document to set up a programme
Easiest way?
You say that buy in from senior management has been difficult. "Buy in" is often required when you have a good idea and then expect people to follow along without seeking their involvement in the early stages. People are generally very resistant to change when it is imposed on them (even if it is clearly in their best interests).
Perhaps you could float your idea as a proposal and ask for feedback about what would work best and what people would like to see in addition to or instead of your ideas. By including as many of their ideas as possible, you will make it feel much more like their change, not yours, and probably end up with a systems that works better for all concerned. (I don't doubt that your current proposal is excellent, but I would be very surprised if you were aware of all the information that could have an impact on its success).
You are also assuming that your managers want to spend more time coaching and developing their teams. Are you sure this is the case? That part of any management role is hard and people are often expected to take it on without much training / learning / experience.
Good luck!
are all managers the same and are not managers people too.?
I was involved ina mentoring roll out and one of the main selling points to the managers was that yes, they were going to be mentors, but they were also going to be mentees…..the only person who didn't have a mentor was the Chairman of the board!
Rus Slater
Thank you for your interesting comment.
I have since involved the line managers asking them for their input and what they would deem necessary involvement from a mentor.. interesting feedback!
I have also involved new people to the business and had some great feedback to now present to their line managers.
Thanks again for your comment.