We're planning a half-day session pretty soon in preparation for a new project. The ultimate aim is to ensure everyone is aware of the need to improve communication across the teams, as information needs to pass from one to the other. Does anyone have any suggestions for an exercise that we could use to start the session of and try to get the message across?
Allison Preece
3 Responses
An oldie but a goodie
How about the favourite – a version of the prisoners’ dilemma. I’ve run it many times using “red” and “blue”, where red is the colour of self-interest and blue is the colour of co-operation. If you’d like full details let me know.
Good luck
There is a great exercise called “Pairs” on http://www.trainerslibrary.com – takes about 60 minutes (although you could cut this time down)
Brilliant to use with people who will be working with other teams/remote teams.
You could use this at the very beginning of the session, and use some of the points/feedback raised from the exercise as sub-topics to talk/facilitate around with the group.
Have Fun!
More info on oldie but a goodie
Jennifer, If you could send me more details that would be great. Email is allison.preece@ssc.mrc.ac.uk