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In-depth performance analysis – the exclusive right of super stars?


From musicians to politicians, and sports stars to actors, these days each time you pick up a newspaper their latest performance is being analysed and critiqued by anyone from minor celebrities to academics. Take the tennis for instance, nearly every shot taken by Andy Murray in his Wimbledon efforts this year were monitored, tracked and assessed for us, the general public, to read and then agree or disagree with. But it goes further, commentary is even made on his temperament and his ability (or inability) to cope with the strain of holding up the future of British tennis.

Graphs tell us where he should be standing to receive a serve from Nadal, and then pie charts illustrate how well he executed his plans. This level of intelligence we take for granted now, but when I see it I can’t help but wonder why more business leaders don’t look for this kind of in-depth approach to understanding where the strengths and weaknesses of their company.

Just as the papers do, the 360 degree appraisal offers up the chance to take a detailed look at performance, and answer some of those questions that may never have come up before – and the answers are always transformational for the business.

Knowledge, as they say, is power, and to know the thoughts, feelings, and the behavioural traits of some of the key personnel within a business, has been proven to be an awesome force, especially when trying to bring around change.

We’ve all seen it in the news and heard the features on the radio, ‘The five changes Cameron must make for the coalition to work’, or ‘The only way that Murray can win Wimbledon’, but this kind of deep investigation to bring about positive change is not the exclusive right of the parties named at the start of this blog – businesses too can benefit.

And they do, because the forward thinking companies have recognised the value in having facts, figures and stats on the make-up of the business as well as detail on the characters that keep it moving along. Only once you have that information, can you bring about positive change.

Elva Ainsworth

Managing Director at Talent Innovations

Download our latest whitepaper here: 360 Degree Appraisal

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