I need to run a intray exercise for external applicants in the next few days. All material we have relates to very specific roles within the co, therefore are not suitable.
The positions are administartion that rely heavily on data accuracy.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Lynnette Moran
4 Responses
proofreading exercise
Spell Check Exercise
We’ve all come to rely on the spell check feature in our word processor software. However, there is a problem with relying solely on spell checkers to check the accuracy of our typed documents.
Review the short poem below and see if you can catch what the spell checker missed!
I halve a spelling chequer
It came with my pee see
It plainly Marx four my revue
Miss stakes eye cannot sea
I’ve run this poem threw it
I’m shore your pleased two no
It’s letter perfect in it’s weigh
My chequer tolled me sew.
Record the errors you located:
Line 1 ____________________________________________________
Line 2 ____________________________________________________
Line 3 ____________________________________________________
Line 4 ____________________________________________________
Line 5 ____________________________________________________
Line 6 ____________________________________________________
Line 7 ____________________________________________________
Line 8 ____________________________________________________
I don’t know who developed the little poem , but it was so great I just had to use it as a proofreading exercise. I hope you like this.
In-tray exercise
I have In-tray material for a 30 minutes In-tray Exercise, however it may not be what you’re looking for, if you are interested please contact me directly and I will send you a copy.
It focuses more on Time Mgt: Priority setting, Business Objectives etc..
In Tray exercise – Ditto!
I have very much the same difficulty to get round – I was considering putting together a test where delegates have to e.g. compare two lists for differences, or highlight errors in a passage of text compared with facts given before hand. I don’t want to degenerate into a spot the difference exercise though, so will be interested to see what other replies and ideas are posted….
In Tray Exercises
I am looking for in tray exercises for roles in Finance and administration both for assistant and Manager level if you have some examples I would be grateful. Thank you.