I’m having a difficult time finding information on individual problem solving for the front line employee. Sources lead me to critial thinking. While I’ve found information/resources for teaching these skills to middle and high school students, I’m not able to locate any information for adult learners. Any leads would be much appreciated.
Sherri Leggett
Sherri Leggett
3 Responses
Individual Problem Solving/Critical Thinking
I have spent the last 12 months working with front line employees trying to engage them in training, learning and development. I might be able to help. However, I am not clear from your note what it is you are actually trying to achieve. If you would like to discuss this further, please give me a call on 01438-242222.
Ian Cawthra
Stevenage Borough Council
Problem solving
I am a Project Management trainer. One of the key elements of successful project management is the ability to identify and solve problems in a team environment using tools such as Ishikawa, brain storming, brain writing etc. If this is what you are aiming at you can e-mail me to start a discussion.
Courses in thinking, learning and creativity
We run courses on thinking, learning and creativity. As you might expect, problem solving is a substantial part of that. Our courses on Lateral Thinking, Mind Mapping and Creativity may be particularly appropriate, but I would need to know a little more about your precise needs.
Do visit our web site http://www.illumine.co.uk or e-mail me or call me on 01753 866633