Looking to develop an Induction training manual for all new starters. I would love to see examples of what other companies use for the format and structure and would be grateful if anyone would be prepared to email or send me any copies. The manual would be for credit analysts in the financial services field, but any industry examples would be really useful. My email address is vivienne.holmes@eulergroup.com and the address is Vivienne Holmes, HR Dept, EULER Trade Indemnity, 1 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5DX
Vivienne Holmes
2 Responses
Induction Training
Have you thought about building a competency framework to test new starters knowledge within the financial industry. Try visiting http://www.qwiz.co.uk who specialise in this area
Example of cross sector induction pack.
The Care Council for Wales have recently launched their induction framework for the Independent Care Sector.
This can be found on-line at:
This is competency based and mapped against NVQ standards – quite useful as a comprehensive approach to induction.