The Adult Learning Inspectorate (ALI) has launched a new scheme offering employers the opportunity to have their workplace training assessed to a government-based national standard.
While, the ALI has inspected the publicly-funded training million in England for three years, it is now making its expertise available to commercial organisations for the first time.
The “Commissioned Inspections” scheme, which was piloted last year, has enjoyed overwhelmingly positive feedback.
It aims to improve the standard, effectiveness and value for money of in-house training with the wider goal of achieving gains in productivity.
David Sherlock, chief inspector of Adult Learning, stated: “Most training is done and paid for by employers for their own staff.
“The CBI and TUC estimate that British industry spends over £20 billion a year on training, yet few organisations are able to assess the quality or cost effectiveness of the training they offer.
“We will be providing a first class assessment of employers’ training programmes — opening the door to real quality improvement.”
The CBI has also offered its endorsement to the initiative, commenting: “High-quality training is critical to the enduring success of any company — and we are delighted to see that the ALI is now extending to independent companies the opportunity to call on its excellent service.”
While, the ALI has inspected the publicly-funded training million in England for three years, it is now making its expertise available to commercial organisations for the first time.
The “Commissioned Inspections” scheme, which was piloted last year, has enjoyed overwhelmingly positive feedback.
It aims to improve the standard, effectiveness and value for money of in-house training with the wider goal of achieving gains in productivity.
David Sherlock, chief inspector of Adult Learning, stated: "Most training is done and paid for by employers for their own staff.
"The CBI and TUC estimate that British industry spends over £20 billion a year on training, yet few organisations are able to assess the quality or cost effectiveness of the training they offer.
"We will be providing a first class assessment of employers' training programmes — opening the door to real quality improvement."
The CBI has also offered its endorsement to the initiative, commenting: "High-quality training is critical to the enduring success of any company — and we are delighted to see that the ALI is now extending to independent companies the opportunity to call on its excellent service."