I am an experienced IT Trainer having spent nearly 14 years in various training and educational outlets. I hold the CIPD Training Certificate in addition to various other qualifications. More recently I have been working in commercial areas delivering Microsoft training programmes. I have experience of carrying out TNA in addition to writing my own materials. I would love to receive recommendations regarding any IT Consultancies who are well-disposed towards someone with my skills and age (41!). Are there any out there?!!
James Elliot
James Elliot
3 Responses
In my experience NO! I have the same qualifications and experience as you (I am 42!), I’ve had the same experiences regarding consultancies as you. (Oh no you’re over 40 help etc…..)
Some of the fault must also lie with their clients. They invite you for an interview go through the motions and then you niether the client or the consultancy have the courtesy to inform you of the outcome.
Should there be a hit list of guilty consultancies? or perhaps we should start up a consultancy for the more experienced IT Trainers (for those over 40)! All interested cliets and others should relpy here. What do you do think?
Also how many others are out there like us?
Good luck
IT Recruitment consultancies
Most of the IT recruitment companies are pretty poor when it comes to handling trainers. And believe me there are many younger trainers who have failed to hear back from companies. However, there are some that understand trainers and training. Those that I’ve used to recruit trainers in the past have included:
Mortimer Charles (contact Stuart Bailey)
Law Support (contact Graham Tinning)
Best People
It’s also worth looking at the generalist recruitment companys – most of whom have an IT section. TMP are pretty big (but don’t expect to always hear back from them), McColl, MacMillan Davies Hodes all have experience in handling trainer vacancies.
If you’re looking for freelance work then consider registering with Capitol and Additional Resources. Or approach training companies direct – most have pretty good relations with their freelancers and are happy to deal direct.
Over 40s are welcome!
A2Z Computer Services is a training company based in the north west of England, providing both IT and personal development training, mainly to local companies, but occasionally further afield.
We work with many freelance trainers, as we prefer to use several trainers with specialist knowledge and experience, rather than rely on a few who can do “everything”.
While our youngest trainers are still in their 20s (poor young things), our oldest is in his late 50s – and in great demand (as an IT trainer) with some of our customers!
There is no age barrier in our company – in fact we positively welcome the depth of experience it often brings.
If you’re based in the north west, why not get in touch?
Nici Aldridge