Where can we find an affordable IT suite in London (South East ideally) to hire to train up to 10 clients?
Recommendations only please!
0845 644 41 96
Lorna Jackson
Recommendations only please!
0845 644 41 96
Lorna Jackson
Where can we find an affordable IT suite in London (South East ideally) to hire to train up to 10 clients?
Recommendations only please!
0845 644 41 96
Lorna Jackson
Recommendations only please!
0845 644 41 96
Lorna Jackson
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3 Responses
there is a good one near Christchurch.
I cannot help you with the S East,but have attended a good venue near Bournmouth Happy to give you the number they seem reasonable.
I have trained at a site rented by the Training Room Hire Company (their Leather Market location) the number is 0845 1304130. Also Regus advertises that they rent rooms not only for meetings but for training.
Good Luck
IT Training Room Hire
I have used and worked for a company who bring their custom mobile classrooms to you.
They are great and very reasonable with their pricing.
check out http://www.pccoaching.com
Give me a call if you wish to discuss it
Best Regards
Steve Mosley
01738 638323