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IT Trainers Newswire #6 – Dedicated newswire aimed at delivering the latest news in the world of IT


IT Trainers Newswire – Issue # 6 29 November 2000
Yell Awards 2000 – Best e-Commerce Site (B2B)


1. The route to MOUS certification
2. Statistics usage of the internet
3. Training Exchanges, what are they?
4. The ECDL growing in recognition
5. IITT alliance with Nivo International


Editor’s Note
Dot.Com failures appear to be springing up everywhere and making
the headlines at the moment and reports are even concluding that
we may have seen the end of the over-night internet millionaire.
It looks as though lottery tickets are the only answer for
those of us not quick enough to think of get rich quick schemes
to make millions in time for Christmas.

BT appear to be facing daily criticism, if not for their
failure in delivering broadband technology for UK internet
users, then it is for hogging their copper cables and not
allowing competing telcos access to their networks, well if it
was your company, what would you do?

This newsletter covers a range of stories for the IT Trainer from
general training issues through to latest software/hardware
releases from a variety of organisations and is intended to keep
you informed of as many IT issues of relevance that can be found.

TrainingZones dedicated IT Training pages can be found at editor, Carrol Rowe,
is eager to hear your news and any information you feel would
benefit other trainers.
To contact Carrol,

Please forward this newswire to friends and colleagues.
There is information about Subscribing (free)! and
Unsubscribing at the end.

Latest News
A selection of recent IT Training related stories from

Freelancers advice page
Go to TrainingZONEs freelancers page, which is building into a
comprehensive resource for those who are self-employed and those
who are interested in ‘going freelance’ alike. Check out the one-
stop shop at

The route to MOUS certification
Are you still not sure what the MOUS certification programme can
offer in terms of qualifications? This article outlines what
MOUS can offer both the organisation and the individual.

Statistics showing which people are using the internet in UK
Research conducted by MMXI Europe on internet usage in Britain
highlights that children are the fastest growing group of users
hrom home this last year.

TrainingZONE is a community of 25,000 professionals. Join today.
To advertise to this audience, see

Training Exchanges, what are they?
Online training exchanges is a way of bringing all resources
together in one site which will result in less research required
for the vendor looking for the appropriate training solution.

The ECDL growing in recognition
The ECDL is becoming a more recognised qualification as an
international standard and is also supported by the British
Computing Society.


Did you know you can quickly check on the credit worthiness of any
UK company? Check out your clients financial status before doing
business with them.

IITT alliance with Nivo International, increase training standards
An alliance has been formed between the IITT and Nivo
International for IT trainer training to recommend that the
Institutes, TAP route is the preferred requirement for part of the
skills required to become a MOUS Authorised Instructor.

PowerPoint Resource Centre
A major addition to the range of services available to
TrainingZONE users is the PowerPoint resource Centre. In the last
ten years, PowerPoint presentations have developed from being a
gimmicky form of OHP slides into a high-tech, slick and essential
format for presenting ideas and images. PowerPoint is now used in
a huge range of settings, business proposals, team meetings,
training, sales, briefings, news announcements, incorporating
text, graphics, animation, audio, visual and web content. And
yet, too many PowerPoint presentations fail because they ignore
even the simplest rules of layout and construction. Help is at
hand! Scott Stein runs our PowerPoint Resource Centre. Gathered
together in one place you can find information for novices, more
templates, practical tips, support and software update pages,
downloads and information about a completely free alternative
programme to PowerPoint.

Three aspects of the PowerPoint Resource Centre are proving to be
particularly popular. The PowerPoint Handbook is a complete
practical guide to getting the most from the programme. The
regular series of PowerPoint Tips provides you with helpful
shortcuts in an easily-used format. And Scott Stein offers all
users a PowerPoint Design and Consultancy Service specially
tailored to your needs to provide you with a fast, high quality,
customised solution to your presentation needs. Check out the
PowerPoint Resource Centre at

IT people need e-skills for future career progression
E-skills are now becoming a much sought after requirement for IT
people if they wish to advance their career prospects.

* * * * * * * SHOOTING STARS * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Client Contact Centre Training Manager, 35,000 to 40,000,
permanent, attractive benefits, Leamington Spa

Training Advisor, 30,000, permanent, London

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * *
Check out the latest job vacancies for Trainers at

Training Trends 2001 major online survey launched
A significant online research exercise has just been launched
which will provide a frank, up-front analysis of the state of
training and development practice today. The survey is run online
and is open to anyone with an interest in training and learning to
participate. The past few years have seen many significant
changes in staff development practices, but just how far have
these changes impacted on organisational attitudes and
individuals learning? Training Trends 2001 asks some challenging
questions about the support which organisations offer to training
(focussing on their actual practice, rather than their stated
policies), and probes the real attitudes which are held about
training and learning in your workplace. This major study is
being undertaken by TrainingZONE in partnership with the Training
Solutions Show. We anticipate some challenging results which will
point out the gap between rhetoric and reality in training
practice when the full report is published in January. The survey
is completed entirely online and interim results are immediately
available. Everyone who participates has the chance to win a
crate of quality wine and to receive their personal copy of the
results. To complete the survey just go to

Watch out, Christmas viruses starting to make rounds
E-mail users should be aware of messages that have .exe files
attached posing as Christmas cards, the latest known as I.worm.
music has the potential to disrupt mail servers in the same way
as the notorious lovebug.

Community Features

Any Answers
The Any Answer page enables you to ask questions of our 25,000
users at

David Shoesmith is asking for advice regarding the purchase of
a new software suite that will manage HR and training details for
approximately 1000 employees.

Alex Russell would like to hear from anybody who can recommend
an appropriate off-the-shelf software package that undertakes
psychometric testing?

Thank you to David Smith who has provided a number of answers to
our users needing some information.and also to Gareth Pugh who also
answered a couple of queries.

To answer these and any other questions, go to use the Comments
facility at the end of each question.

Below you’ll find a selection of recent IT Training requirements
from our Tenders pages:

– IT focussed training strategist needed
– Freelance MS Office Trainer required
– Quark Express trainer needed

Find out more about these opportunities and others at

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ Add real value to your web site – +
+ include our free news headlines on your +
+ page instantly updated through the day +
+ – makes your web site fresh and lively +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +


Have a look at a selection of IT-related jokes and even better,
add any that you may have hidden away!

and a fun selection of Web-jargon to keep you informed when
chatting with friends in your local winebar

Managing your TrainingZONE subscriptions

To subscribe, send a message with SUBSCRIBE IT-TRAINING-NEWSWIRE
in the body of the text to

Alternatively, register at

To unsubscribe, send a message with SUBSCRIBE IT-TRAINING-NEWSWIRE
in the body of the text to
(note: the e-mail address must be the same as the one you
initially subscribed from).

To update the free mailing services you receive for newswires,
alerts and job profiles, select ‘My Newswires’ at

Copyright (c) 2000 Sift Group plc. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as
long as attribution is given.

TrainingZONE, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630

IT Trainers Newswire - Issue # 6 29 November 2000
Yell Awards 2000 - Best e-Commerce Site (B2B)


1. The route to MOUS certification
2. Statistics usage of the internet
3. Training Exchanges, what are they?
4. The ECDL growing in recognition
5. IITT alliance with Nivo International


Editor's Note
Dot.Com failures appear to be springing up everywhere and making
the headlines at the moment and reports are even concluding that
we may have seen the end of the over-night internet millionaire.
It looks as though lottery tickets are the only answer for
those of us not quick enough to think of get rich quick schemes
to make millions in time for Christmas.

BT appear to be facing daily criticism, if not for their
failure in delivering broadband technology for UK internet
users, then it is for hogging their copper cables and not
allowing competing telcos access to their networks, well if it
was your company, what would you do?

This newsletter covers a range of stories for the IT Trainer from
general training issues through to latest software/hardware
releases from a variety of organisations and is intended to keep
you informed of as many IT issues of relevance that can be found.

TrainingZones dedicated IT Training pages can be found at editor, Carrol Rowe,
is eager to hear your news and any information you feel would
benefit other trainers.
To contact Carrol,

Please forward this newswire to friends and colleagues.
There is information about Subscribing (free)! and
Unsubscribing at the end.

Latest News
A selection of recent IT Training related stories from

Freelancers advice page
Go to TrainingZONEs freelancers page, which is building into a
comprehensive resource for those who are self-employed and those
who are interested in 'going freelance' alike. Check out the one-
stop shop at

The route to MOUS certification
Are you still not sure what the MOUS certification programme can
offer in terms of qualifications? This article outlines what
MOUS can offer both the organisation and the individual.

Statistics showing which people are using the internet in UK
Research conducted by MMXI Europe on internet usage in Britain
highlights that children are the fastest growing group of users
hrom home this last year.

TrainingZONE is a community of 25,000 professionals. Join today.
To advertise to this audience, see

Training Exchanges, what are they?
Online training exchanges is a way of bringing all resources
together in one site which will result in less research required
for the vendor looking for the appropriate training solution.

The ECDL growing in recognition
The ECDL is becoming a more recognised qualification as an
international standard and is also supported by the British
Computing Society.


Did you know you can quickly check on the credit worthiness of any
UK company? Check out your clients financial status before doing
business with them.

IITT alliance with Nivo International, increase training standards
An alliance has been formed between the IITT and Nivo
International for IT trainer training to recommend that the
Institutes, TAP route is the preferred requirement for part of the
skills required to become a MOUS Authorised Instructor.

PowerPoint Resource Centre
A major addition to the range of services available to
TrainingZONE users is the PowerPoint resource Centre. In the last
ten years, PowerPoint presentations have developed from being a
gimmicky form of OHP slides into a high-tech, slick and essential
format for presenting ideas and images. PowerPoint is now used in
a huge range of settings, business proposals, team meetings,
training, sales, briefings, news announcements, incorporating
text, graphics, animation, audio, visual and web content. And
yet, too many PowerPoint presentations fail because they ignore
even the simplest rules of layout and construction. Help is at
hand! Scott Stein runs our PowerPoint Resource Centre. Gathered
together in one place you can find information for novices, more
templates, practical tips, support and software update pages,
downloads and information about a completely free alternative
programme to PowerPoint.

Three aspects of the PowerPoint Resource Centre are proving to be
particularly popular. The PowerPoint Handbook is a complete
practical guide to getting the most from the programme. The
regular series of PowerPoint Tips provides you with helpful
shortcuts in an easily-used format. And Scott Stein offers all
users a PowerPoint Design and Consultancy Service specially
tailored to your needs to provide you with a fast, high quality,
customised solution to your presentation needs. Check out the
PowerPoint Resource Centre at

IT people need e-skills for future career progression
E-skills are now becoming a much sought after requirement for IT
people if they wish to advance their career prospects.

* * * * * * * SHOOTING STARS * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Client Contact Centre Training Manager, 35,000 to 40,000,
permanent, attractive benefits, Leamington Spa

Training Advisor, 30,000, permanent, London

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * *
Check out the latest job vacancies for Trainers at

Training Trends 2001 major online survey launched
A significant online research exercise has just been launched
which will provide a frank, up-front analysis of the state of
training and development practice today. The survey is run online
and is open to anyone with an interest in training and learning to
participate. The past few years have seen many significant
changes in staff development practices, but just how far have
these changes impacted on organisational attitudes and
individuals learning? Training Trends 2001 asks some challenging
questions about the support which organisations offer to training
(focussing on their actual practice, rather than their stated
policies), and probes the real attitudes which are held about
training and learning in your workplace. This major study is
being undertaken by TrainingZONE in partnership with the Training
Solutions Show. We anticipate some challenging results which will
point out the gap between rhetoric and reality in training
practice when the full report is published in January. The survey
is completed entirely online and interim results are immediately
available. Everyone who participates has the chance to win a
crate of quality wine and to receive their personal copy of the
results. To complete the survey just go to

Watch out, Christmas viruses starting to make rounds
E-mail users should be aware of messages that have .exe files
attached posing as Christmas cards, the latest known as I.worm.
music has the potential to disrupt mail servers in the same way
as the notorious lovebug.

Community Features

Any Answers
The Any Answer page enables you to ask questions of our 25,000
users at

David Shoesmith is asking for advice regarding the purchase of
a new software suite that will manage HR and training details for
approximately 1000 employees.

Alex Russell would like to hear from anybody who can recommend
an appropriate off-the-shelf software package that undertakes
psychometric testing?

Thank you to David Smith who has provided a number of answers to
our users needing some information.and also to Gareth Pugh who also
answered a couple of queries.

To answer these and any other questions, go to use the Comments
facility at the end of each question.

Below you'll find a selection of recent IT Training requirements
from our Tenders pages:

- IT focussed training strategist needed
- Freelance MS Office Trainer required
- Quark Express trainer needed

Find out more about these opportunities and others at

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ Add real value to your web site - +
+ include our free news headlines on your +
+ page instantly updated through the day +
+ - makes your web site fresh and lively +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +


Have a look at a selection of IT-related jokes and even better,
add any that you may have hidden away!

and a fun selection of Web-jargon to keep you informed when
chatting with friends in your local winebar

Managing your TrainingZONE subscriptions

To subscribe, send a message with SUBSCRIBE IT-TRAINING-NEWSWIRE
in the body of the text to

Alternatively, register at

To unsubscribe, send a message with SUBSCRIBE IT-TRAINING-NEWSWIRE
in the body of the text to
(note: the e-mail address must be the same as the one you
initially subscribed from).

To update the free mailing services you receive for newswires,
alerts and job profiles, select 'My Newswires' at

Copyright (c) 2000 Sift Group plc. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as
long as attribution is given.

TrainingZONE, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630