IT Trainers Newswire – Issue 9
24 January 2001
Yell Awards 2000 – Best e-Commerce Site (B2B)
Editor’s Note
Once again, big announcements have been broadcast at this years BETT show in terms of ICT expenditure in education, the Learning and Technology Minister, Michael Wills announced a further commitment of 400 Million pounds for new technology in schools over the next three years. A point that certainly caused some controversy was stated by Lord Puttnam who opened the first BECTA Awards ceremony for innovations in ICT, that teachers receiving training in ICT should have the same benchmarks as those in the private sector. The existing New Opportunities Fund (NOF) ICT
training programme for teachers, basically allows each teacher in the UK to receive a days worth of training in ICT, as somewhat inappropriate. He also expressed concern and surprise at the negative reaction shown by some in education, that of making continuing professional development part of a teachers contract. This should be the ideal opportunity for IT Training professionals
to set the standards for IT training across all areas of industry and education, to really help and guide those that teach ICT, in the best practices as carried out by the industry experts.
1. TrainingZONE visited this years BETT 2001 education show that took place at the London, Olympia earlier this month, reputed as becoming the biggest ICT in education show.
2. Some healthy points have been discussed in the article,
PowerPoint Tip, Should you even use PowerPoint? What do you think?
3. Microsoft products such as MSN Explorer and Netdocs are
becoming more sophisticated with each later release. What does this mean for Internet Explorer which appears to be losing its position? What future plans do Microsoft appear to have for version 6.0?
4. Are you looking at investing in a major training administration management system? This overview looks at Registrar Express.
5. A recent survey highlights that more employers are monitoring how their staff are using the internet and e-mails without properly informing them, should this be allowed to happen?
This newsletter covers a range of stories for the IT Trainer from general training issues through to latest software/hardware releases from a variety of organisations and is intended to keep you informed of as many IT issues of relevance that can be found.
Carrol Rowe
Editor, IT Training
TrainingZones dedicated IT Training pages can be found at and editor, Carrol Rowe,
is eager to hear your news and any information you feel would benefit other trainers.
To contact Carrol,
Please forward this newswire to friends and colleagues.
There is information about Subscribing (free)! and
Unsubscribing at the end.
Latest News
A selection of recent IT Training related stories from
Freelancers advice page
Go to TrainingZONEs freelancers page, which is building into a comprehensive resource for those who are self-employed and those who are interested in ‘going freelance’ alike. Check out the one-stop shop at.
Product Review, Abbyy FineReader Pro 5.0
If you are interested in purchasing a different character
recognition software package, Abbyy FineReader Pro 5.0 which has recently been released is receiving some excellent reviews.
PowerPoint Tips
Do not forget, there is a complete PowerPoint Resource Centre, including a design and consultancy service to help you produce the very best PowerPoint presentations at
Refer-a-friend and save money
Our communities grow so fast because so many users recommend them to their friends! Now we have made this process simpler. You can Refer a Friend online (actually, you can refer up to ten friends online in one go)! And for each friend who becomes a news member of TrainingZONE we will give you a 5 pound discount voucher for use against any of the 2,000 products in the shopping Mall. (A 25 pound
discount ceiling applies). To refer your friends, see
Latest e-learning authoring tool from
—————————————————– have released their latest e-learning authoring tool that now incorporates a course management solution to keep an eye on learning capabilities, called ToolBook II Instructor version 8.0
TrainingZONE is a community of 25,000 professionals. Join today. To advertise to this audience, see
IBMs ThinkPad with scribble features
Are you still making notes using pen and paper rather than moving across to using a keyboard, well, this may be the move towards using technology you have been looking for, a computer that converts your scribbled handwritten notes into text.
Check out your clients
Did you know you can obtain full information about any UK company or company director online, including their financial reports, company statements and partner details. It is an invaluable way of discovering whether your client is likely to be able to pay your invoices, who owns them, what their trading history is like, and what their plans are. Check out your clients online at:
This is just one of several directory services of direct relevance to our business all listed at
A guide to healthy working with Computers
One of the most important training features covers office
ergonomics and correct working practices when dealing with
computers. This article provides useful tips on how to look after your health when working with computers.
* * * * * * * SHOOTING STARS * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Call Centre Trainers, Nottingham, Salary negotiable to 25,000
European Training Director, flexible location, UK or Europe, Salary negotiable, plus benefits
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * *
Check out the latest job vacancies for Trainers at
More training resources added to the online Toolkit
The Toolkit is the most popular area of TrainingZONE. It provides you with a host of resource materials and guides all in easy-to-print or immediately downloadable file format. It includes practical resources in Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Acrobat format, so you are certain to find materials which you can use today.
Recently we added 1,600 new learning resources from the Learning Matters reference library (covering a range of topics). This week, we have added more resources of which this is a selection:
** Assessors and Verifiers, range of guides
** Mentoring, the mentoring process and selecting mentors
** Writing Excel Macros
** 21 ways to conduct better interviews
** Learning skills, learning style inventory, learning conditions
** Powerpoint design service
** Starting an online training business
** How to write winning training proposals.
These resources have been contributed by TrainingZONE and HR Zone members. If you have quality resources which you would like published, we are always happy to consider them.
All the downloadable training resources in the Toolkit can be found at
Community Features
Any Answers
The Any Answers page enables you to ask questions of our 25,000 users at
James Elliott, an experienced IT Trainer is looking for
recommendations of good IT recruitment agencies who deal
specifically with his type of skill and experience.
Celia Pillay is looking for some instructional designers to help convert an externally accredited distance learning management programme into an interactive on-line program with full tutor support.
Thanks go to Jackie Clifford for her suggestion towards a keyboard skills course and Jenny Kevan for her suggestions for the best ways in tackling the task of writing training material.
To answer these and any other questions, go to and use the Comments facility at the end of each question.
Below you’ll find a selection of recent IT Training requirements from our Tenders pages:
– Excel VBA Trainer
– Microsoft Project 2000
– Freelance IT Trainers
Find out more about these opportunities and others at
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
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Have a look at a selection of IT-related jokes and even better, add any that you may have hidden away!
Managing your TrainingZONE subscriptions
To subscribe, send a message with SUBSCRIBE IT-TRAINING-NEWSWIRE in the body of the text to
Alternatively, register at
To unsubscribe, send a message with SUBSCRIBE IT-TRAINING-NEWSWIRE in the body of the text to
(note: the e-mail address must be the same as the one you
initially subscribed from).
To update the free mailing services you receive for newswires, alerts and job profiles, select ‘My Newswires’ at
Copyright (c) 2000 Sift Group plc. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as long as attribution is given.
TrainingZONE, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630
24 January 2001
Yell Awards 2000 - Best e-Commerce Site (B2B)
Editor's Note
Once again, big announcements have been broadcast at this years BETT show in terms of ICT expenditure in education, the Learning and Technology Minister, Michael Wills announced a further commitment of 400 Million pounds for new technology in schools over the next three years. A point that certainly caused some controversy was stated by Lord Puttnam who opened the first BECTA Awards ceremony for innovations in ICT, that teachers receiving training in ICT should have the same benchmarks as those in the private sector. The existing New Opportunities Fund (NOF) ICT
training programme for teachers, basically allows each teacher in the UK to receive a days worth of training in ICT, as somewhat inappropriate. He also expressed concern and surprise at the negative reaction shown by some in education, that of making continuing professional development part of a teachers contract. This should be the ideal opportunity for IT Training professionals
to set the standards for IT training across all areas of industry and education, to really help and guide those that teach ICT, in the best practices as carried out by the industry experts.
1. TrainingZONE visited this years BETT 2001 education show that took place at the London, Olympia earlier this month, reputed as becoming the biggest ICT in education show.
2. Some healthy points have been discussed in the article,
PowerPoint Tip, Should you even use PowerPoint? What do you think?
3. Microsoft products such as MSN Explorer and Netdocs are
becoming more sophisticated with each later release. What does this mean for Internet Explorer which appears to be losing its position? What future plans do Microsoft appear to have for version 6.0?
4. Are you looking at investing in a major training administration management system? This overview looks at Registrar Express.
5. A recent survey highlights that more employers are monitoring how their staff are using the internet and e-mails without properly informing them, should this be allowed to happen?
This newsletter covers a range of stories for the IT Trainer from general training issues through to latest software/hardware releases from a variety of organisations and is intended to keep you informed of as many IT issues of relevance that can be found.
Carrol Rowe
Editor, IT Training
TrainingZones dedicated IT Training pages can be found at and editor, Carrol Rowe,
is eager to hear your news and any information you feel would benefit other trainers.
To contact Carrol,
Please forward this newswire to friends and colleagues.
There is information about Subscribing (free)! and
Unsubscribing at the end.
Latest News
A selection of recent IT Training related stories from
Freelancers advice page
Go to TrainingZONEs freelancers page, which is building into a comprehensive resource for those who are self-employed and those who are interested in 'going freelance' alike. Check out the one-stop shop at.
Product Review, Abbyy FineReader Pro 5.0
If you are interested in purchasing a different character
recognition software package, Abbyy FineReader Pro 5.0 which has recently been released is receiving some excellent reviews.
PowerPoint Tips
Do not forget, there is a complete PowerPoint Resource Centre, including a design and consultancy service to help you produce the very best PowerPoint presentations at
Refer-a-friend and save money
Our communities grow so fast because so many users recommend them to their friends! Now we have made this process simpler. You can Refer a Friend online (actually, you can refer up to ten friends online in one go)! And for each friend who becomes a news member of TrainingZONE we will give you a 5 pound discount voucher for use against any of the 2,000 products in the shopping Mall. (A 25 pound
discount ceiling applies). To refer your friends, see
Latest e-learning authoring tool from
----------------------------------------------------- have released their latest e-learning authoring tool that now incorporates a course management solution to keep an eye on learning capabilities, called ToolBook II Instructor version 8.0
TrainingZONE is a community of 25,000 professionals. Join today. To advertise to this audience, see
IBMs ThinkPad with scribble features
Are you still making notes using pen and paper rather than moving across to using a keyboard, well, this may be the move towards using technology you have been looking for, a computer that converts your scribbled handwritten notes into text.
Check out your clients
Did you know you can obtain full information about any UK company or company director online, including their financial reports, company statements and partner details. It is an invaluable way of discovering whether your client is likely to be able to pay your invoices, who owns them, what their trading history is like, and what their plans are. Check out your clients online at:
This is just one of several directory services of direct relevance to our business all listed at
A guide to healthy working with Computers
One of the most important training features covers office
ergonomics and correct working practices when dealing with
computers. This article provides useful tips on how to look after your health when working with computers.
* * * * * * * SHOOTING STARS * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Call Centre Trainers, Nottingham, Salary negotiable to 25,000
European Training Director, flexible location, UK or Europe, Salary negotiable, plus benefits
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * *
Check out the latest job vacancies for Trainers at
More training resources added to the online Toolkit
The Toolkit is the most popular area of TrainingZONE. It provides you with a host of resource materials and guides all in easy-to-print or immediately downloadable file format. It includes practical resources in Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Acrobat format, so you are certain to find materials which you can use today.
Recently we added 1,600 new learning resources from the Learning Matters reference library (covering a range of topics). This week, we have added more resources of which this is a selection:
** Assessors and Verifiers, range of guides
** Mentoring, the mentoring process and selecting mentors
** Writing Excel Macros
** 21 ways to conduct better interviews
** Learning skills, learning style inventory, learning conditions
** Powerpoint design service
** Starting an online training business
** How to write winning training proposals.
These resources have been contributed by TrainingZONE and HR Zone members. If you have quality resources which you would like published, we are always happy to consider them.
All the downloadable training resources in the Toolkit can be found at
Community Features
Any Answers
The Any Answers page enables you to ask questions of our 25,000 users at
James Elliott, an experienced IT Trainer is looking for
recommendations of good IT recruitment agencies who deal
specifically with his type of skill and experience.
Celia Pillay is looking for some instructional designers to help convert an externally accredited distance learning management programme into an interactive on-line program with full tutor support.
Thanks go to Jackie Clifford for her suggestion towards a keyboard skills course and Jenny Kevan for her suggestions for the best ways in tackling the task of writing training material.
To answer these and any other questions, go to and use the Comments facility at the end of each question.
Below you'll find a selection of recent IT Training requirements from our Tenders pages:
- Excel VBA Trainer
- Microsoft Project 2000
- Freelance IT Trainers
Find out more about these opportunities and others at
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
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+ include our free news headlines on your +
+ page instantly updated through the day +
+ - makes your web site fresh and lively +
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Have a look at a selection of IT-related jokes and even better, add any that you may have hidden away!
Managing your TrainingZONE subscriptions
To subscribe, send a message with SUBSCRIBE IT-TRAINING-NEWSWIRE in the body of the text to
Alternatively, register at
To unsubscribe, send a message with SUBSCRIBE IT-TRAINING-NEWSWIRE in the body of the text to
(note: the e-mail address must be the same as the one you
initially subscribed from).
To update the free mailing services you receive for newswires, alerts and job profiles, select 'My Newswires' at
Copyright (c) 2000 Sift Group plc. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as long as attribution is given.
TrainingZONE, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630