I am looking for a course which delivers training solutions for the production of training guides for software.
The systems I work with are bespoke systems which have been developed in house. I am looking for a course which shows how to develop and training guides from scratch and how to quality assure such material?
Kath Gledhill
The systems I work with are bespoke systems which have been developed in house. I am looking for a course which shows how to develop and training guides from scratch and how to quality assure such material?
Kath Gledhill
3 Responses
Information Mapping Methodology
I am a freelance technical author – I write user guides & training materials for bespoke software systems.
I use the Information Mapping Methodology, which is a very structured form of writing, well suited to the type of work you want to produce.
The method is trained by a company called TMS -they run residentail courses of 2 or 3 days.
I believe TMS are an American company, but I have no further details to hand, since I am away from home at the moment. If you cannot locate them and would like their address / e-mail, please contact me by e-mail. I will be at home at the weekend, and have all the information there.
Another source but why not use trained professionals ?
An alternative source is a co. in Aylesbury called Ringwood. They teach a system that is very similar to Information Mapping mentionned by Joan Birkett. Ask for Niki Dow. At TMS, ask for Roger Amis.
But a question? There are plenty of trained and experienced technical authors like myself in this country who would be glad to take on the task you mention. It takes more than a 3-day course to learn to create high-quality documentation. I have been doing it for 12 yars and I am still learning. It involves more than learning a method or how to use a template. And low quality documentation is a real waste of time and money.
In fact, as a bit of market research, I would be interested in the factors that have lead you to decide not to employ a professional for the job.
Further to my last note …..
….. which, of course appears below on this site, here are some contact details:
TMS (now Parity TMS) are in Godalming. Tel: (01483)414145 website http://www.tmstoday.com – try Roger Amis, if he is still there.
Ringwood Software Ltd are in Aylesbury. Try Niki Dow on:
(01296)432011 ext 215
e-mail NikiDow@ringwood.com
website http://www.ringwood.com
I am on (01332) 771378
e-mail brian@spotshine.demon.co.uk
Good luck !