IT Trainers Newswire – Issue 17
16 May 2001
1. RESOURCES: Toolkit, IT Training Resource Centre, e-learning
2. NEWS and INFORMATION: Training Tip, Oxford Internet Institute
3. WORK OPPORTUNITIES: Project Co-ordinator, Training Specialist
4. COMMUNITY FEATURES: Can you answer these questions?
Editor’s Note
This week TrainingZONE is pleased to inform IT Training
members of its new specialist zone resource centre, dedicated
to the needs of IT Managers and IT Trainers it contains news,
information and links that should not be missed.
Virus warnings are becoming so frequent that we tend to greet
new alerts in a cavalier fashion! The problem is there are
almost as many scaremongers as there are malicious virus
developers. Nevertheless, we should be vigilant – news of the
latest virus (see link below), which appears to have been created
for the more vulnerable weaknesses in the existing Outlook e-
mailer, was issued last week. How many of us dismissed this
latest warning out of hand, under the belief that it would not
affect us?
Perhaps we should all consider the implications of a virus
attack, as evidence suggests the virus creators are not going
away without a fight, quite the reverse as they appear to be
increasing in strength and cunning.
The average computer user has probably never experienced the
damage a virus can wreak, nor would they want to. To this end we
should continue to be mindful of safe surfing, and treat all e-
mails from unknown origins with extreme caution. Most importantly
never open attachments in such e-mails until absolutely certain
they are virus free.
Finally, we all know this, but lest we forget, remember to back
up all work, and then in the event of your computer having
contracted a virus real damage is kept to an absolute minimum.
Kathleen Hopper
IT Editor
What’s the latest e-learning best practice?
What’s happening at UfI, LearnDirect, and Learning and Skills?
How is IT supporting learning in major corporations?
You need to be at the Hands on Training Conference, 26-28 June
TrainingZONE reaches 28,000 training professionals every week.
If you want to do the same, using any of 12 different routes, see
This week’s latest job vacancies include:
** e-Learning Knowledge Architect, <50,000, Academee
** Training and Development Specialist, Leatherhead
** Windows 2000 Instructor, <45,000, London
** Compaq ASE Trainer, <45,000, London
** IT Trainer, Crawley
** Internet Technologies Trainer, throughout UK
Check them out before they’ve gone!
Got a vacancy to fill? If you want a fast, targeted response,
advertising on TrainingZONE ensures your position is seen by
28,000 members working in training and development. For more
information, mailto:rsergeant@sift.co.uk
The dedicated IT Training area of TrainingZONE is expanding to
meet the needs of IT Trainers and IT Training Managers. Full
details at
How to display training and learning resources on YOUR website
Learn how you can display online resources and more on your
website. TrainingZONE offers you easy to follow, step-by-step
ASTD’s Learning Circuits Express (E-learning)
The LCE is a free information service from ASTD, containing a
wealth of information on e-learning, a must for anything e-
learning. Read more for link to their website.
XML Resources
Why not increase your web power? Achieve more skills to add to
your profile and learn about web designing language. The basics
are quite simple to master and are useful when creating your own
Members who are interested in Web creation will be aware that XML
is predicted to succeed HMTL as the international web language of
the future. Details and links to information about XML, and how
to use it, can be found at the following URL. Look for XHTML,
which is a type of ‘bridge’ between them both.
New virus warning for Outlook users
Another dangerous corrupter for Microsoft Outlook users. Check
Training Tip – Human behaviour
Continuing with IT TrainingZONE’s tips – this tip based on
Maslow’s ‘Hierarchy of Human Needs’ is invaluable to all trainers
and educators. Read on to find out how to put it into practise
as part of your training provision.
Oxford University to create Internet Institute
Find out how Oxford University plans to create the world’s first
truly multidisciplinary institute for the purpose of research and
recommendations about the effects of the Internet on Society.
Powerful XP PowerPoint
See what the new XP version of PowerPoint will be offering users,
read this fine review complete with screenshots.
Pose e-learning questions to those who know
TrainingZONE offers members the chance to put their burning e-
questions to the people who know about it live at the H.O.T.
show next month. Find out how.
H.O.T. Conference 26-28 June 2001
Whether you are anticipating attending the H.O.T. Conference this
year or not, you could find it well worth viewing the programme
for the packed conference, which is scheduled to take place.
Full details and an online booking form go to:
Any Answers
Members pose questions for other members to answer.
‘Where can I find out more about the European Computer Driving Licence?
‘How to stop people abandoning e-learning courses?’
‘How to use the internet to enhance training?’
To post YOUR question, just go https://www.trainingzone.co.uk/it/anyanswers.html
Managing your TrainingZONE subscriptions
To subscribe, register at https://www.trainingzone.co.uk/register
Alternatively, e-mail mailto:subscribe@trainingzone.co.uk
To unsubscribe, e-mail mailto:unsubscribe@trainingzone.co.uk
with the message UNSUBSCRIBE IT-TRAINING-NEWSWIRE. You should
unsubscribe from the same e-mail address you subscribed from.
To update the free mailing services you receive for newswires,
alerts and job profiles, select ‘my newswires’ at
Copyright (c) 2001 Sift Group plc. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as
long as attribution is given.
TrainingZONE, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630
IT Trainers Newswire - Issue 17
16 May 2001
1. RESOURCES: Toolkit, IT Training Resource Centre, e-learning
2. NEWS and INFORMATION: Training Tip, Oxford Internet Institute
3. WORK OPPORTUNITIES: Project Co-ordinator, Training Specialist
4. COMMUNITY FEATURES: Can you answer these questions?
Editor's Note
This week TrainingZONE is pleased to inform IT Training
members of its new specialist zone resource centre, dedicated
to the needs of IT Managers and IT Trainers it contains news,
information and links that should not be missed.
Virus warnings are becoming so frequent that we tend to greet
new alerts in a cavalier fashion! The problem is there are
almost as many scaremongers as there are malicious virus
developers. Nevertheless, we should be vigilant – news of the
latest virus (see link below), which appears to have been created
for the more vulnerable weaknesses in the existing Outlook e-
mailer, was issued last week. How many of us dismissed this
latest warning out of hand, under the belief that it would not
affect us?
Perhaps we should all consider the implications of a virus
attack, as evidence suggests the virus creators are not going
away without a fight, quite the reverse as they appear to be
increasing in strength and cunning.
The average computer user has probably never experienced the
damage a virus can wreak, nor would they want to. To this end we
should continue to be mindful of safe surfing, and treat all e-
mails from unknown origins with extreme caution. Most importantly
never open attachments in such e-mails until absolutely certain
they are virus free.
Finally, we all know this, but lest we forget, remember to back
up all work, and then in the event of your computer having
contracted a virus real damage is kept to an absolute minimum.
Kathleen Hopper
IT Editor
What's the latest e-learning best practice?
What's happening at UfI, LearnDirect, and Learning and Skills?
How is IT supporting learning in major corporations?
You need to be at the Hands on Training Conference, 26-28 June
TrainingZONE reaches 28,000 training professionals every week.
If you want to do the same, using any of 12 different routes, see
This week's latest job vacancies include:
** e-Learning Knowledge Architect, <50,000, Academee
** Training and Development Specialist, Leatherhead
** Windows 2000 Instructor, <45,000, London
** Compaq ASE Trainer, <45,000, London
** IT Trainer, Crawley
** Internet Technologies Trainer, throughout UK
Check them out before they've gone!
Got a vacancy to fill? If you want a fast, targeted response,
advertising on TrainingZONE ensures your position is seen by
28,000 members working in training and development. For more
information, mailto:rsergeant@sift.co.uk
The dedicated IT Training area of TrainingZONE is expanding to
meet the needs of IT Trainers and IT Training Managers. Full
details at
How to display training and learning resources on YOUR website
Learn how you can display online resources and more on your
website. TrainingZONE offers you easy to follow, step-by-step
ASTD’s Learning Circuits Express (E-learning)
The LCE is a free information service from ASTD, containing a
wealth of information on e-learning, a must for anything e-
learning. Read more for link to their website.
XML Resources
Why not increase your web power? Achieve more skills to add to
your profile and learn about web designing language. The basics
are quite simple to master and are useful when creating your own
Members who are interested in Web creation will be aware that XML
is predicted to succeed HMTL as the international web language of
the future. Details and links to information about XML, and how
to use it, can be found at the following URL. Look for XHTML,
which is a type of ‘bridge’ between them both.
New virus warning for Outlook users
Another dangerous corrupter for Microsoft Outlook users. Check
Training Tip – Human behaviour
Continuing with IT TrainingZONE’s tips - this tip based on
Maslow’s ‘Hierarchy of Human Needs’ is invaluable to all trainers
and educators. Read on to find out how to put it into practise
as part of your training provision.
Oxford University to create Internet Institute
Find out how Oxford University plans to create the world’s first
truly multidisciplinary institute for the purpose of research and
recommendations about the effects of the Internet on Society.
Powerful XP PowerPoint
See what the new XP version of PowerPoint will be offering users,
read this fine review complete with screenshots.
Pose e-learning questions to those who know
TrainingZONE offers members the chance to put their burning e-
questions to the people who know about it live at the H.O.T.
show next month. Find out how.
H.O.T. Conference 26-28 June 2001
Whether you are anticipating attending the H.O.T. Conference this
year or not, you could find it well worth viewing the programme
for the packed conference, which is scheduled to take place.
Full details and an online booking form go to:
Any Answers
Members pose questions for other members to answer.
'Where can I find out more about the European Computer Driving Licence?
'How to stop people abandoning e-learning courses?'
'How to use the internet to enhance training?'
To post YOUR question, just go https://www.trainingzone.co.uk/it/anyanswers.html
Managing your TrainingZONE subscriptions
To subscribe, register at https://www.trainingzone.co.uk/register
Alternatively, e-mail mailto:subscribe@trainingzone.co.uk
To unsubscribe, e-mail mailto:unsubscribe@trainingzone.co.uk
with the message UNSUBSCRIBE IT-TRAINING-NEWSWIRE. You should
unsubscribe from the same e-mail address you subscribed from.
To update the free mailing services you receive for newswires,
alerts and job profiles, select 'my newswires' at
Copyright (c) 2001 Sift Group plc. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as
long as attribution is given.
TrainingZONE, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630