With an ever expanding customer base, A2Z Computer Services is looking for venues to hold IT and soft-skills training, for those customers without their own training rooms.
Facilities required for IT training include:
* Attractive & well laid out room with sufficient space for delegates to work comfortably
* 6-8 delegate PCs, mininimum PII with 64Mb RAM and 15" monitor 800 x 600 flicker-free display (128Mb RAM and 17" monitors 1024 x 768 preferred)
* Display facility for demonstrations (big TV / multimedia projector, etc.)
* PCs should be networked, with file and printer sharing enabled
* We deliver training in versions 95, 97/98 and 2000 of all the mainstream Microsoft products (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Outlook, FrontPage, Project, Publisher) plus 96-Millennium versions of Lotus SmartSuite so we need flexibility to install the appropriate version for a course
* At least one printer, preferably colour
For softskills training we are looking for attractive, comfortable rooms with flexible layout of furniture; break-out rooms available, OHP / multimedia projector, etc.
If you have these facilities available for hire in the north-west region, particularly Cheshire, please email me with details and prices.
Nici Aldridge