Has anybody got any suggestions for a listening exercise that would last about 30-45 minutes and would give an indication to people the level of their listening skills.
Many thanks
Jarlath Duffy
jarlath duffy
Many thanks
Jarlath Duffy
jarlath duffy
2 Responses
Hi, I recently attended an NLP seminar where they used a listening and matching exercise that proced quite useful. It wasmore to do with building rapprt thananything else. Two people back to back, one person observing. One of the participants speaks a phrase (their choice) and the other tries to match it not only the words but tone pace pitch etc. The observer is responsible for confirming when it is close enough and then they rotate. Hope it helps.
Listening excercises
Contact the International Listening Association who has all that stuff. I think they still headquarters in Minneapolis Minnisota. They have a WEB site. There is also a listening test you can get from Inscape Publishing Inc. that will identify each persons distinct listening style. Regards Jay Brandon
Training For Results