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Recruitment techniques


Sorry for another post so quickly after my other one..... I am wanting to set up a consistent recruitment process across the company and i am not sure where to start with it. I am sure someone could help me :-)
stephen laverick

3 Responses

  1. Targetted Selection

    We all know recruitment is an art not a science – now that may be heresy to say – especially amongst an HR audience. I’ve had candidates come in to see me and just before I meet them I’ve re-read their CV and wondered how on earth I put them on the yes pile. Not I’ve not met them so the making your mind up in the first 10 second rule doesn’t apply.

    However, my experience is that a well designed process centred on Targeted Selection and using competency based interview techniques is probably the closest you’ll get to it being consistent.

    If you’re interested in Targeted Selection then a company called Development Dimensions International

    Hope that helps.

  2. Recruitment

    There is the “paid” option and the “low cost” one. We tried both:-


    We used a training company who ensured that equality law issues were covered.And they gave us a 12 month after care.Very good value

    We also contributed to Gateway to Work programmes by inviting job seekers to come to us for mock interviews.They got something out of us,we got something out of them WIN WIN. Your local jobcentre is good place to start

    Let me know if you want me to get the training company details


  3. Why?
    If you are looking to ensure that all the legal bits are covered then it makes sense to train your hiring managers in these aspects and regularly assess their recruitment programs to ensure that they are met.

    If you are looking to save money – be careful, the process to recruit highly skilled IT candidates can and should be markedly different from that used to recruit unskilled shelf stackers. That doesn’t mean that one type of employee is more valuable or less important than the other but it does reflect the fact that unskilled labor is easier to find than highly skilled.

    If it’s just to impose a process to enable you to exert control over managers – don’t go there. Instead consult with them, find out what’s worked for them and what hasn’t and then agree a way forward which is much the best way to do so (even if it’s slower than imposing a process from the top).

    Hope that helps.
