I have an interview on Monday for a training position. Could any one help with some thoughts on the 10 most important aspects of transferring knowledge to another person? I must apply these points to a practical situation such as tying a shoelace, and give a 15 minute presentation on the subject. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
James Cox

3 Responses
Want to buy
I don’t know if it will help but I always look for a trainer who makes me/ the audience wanting more. Makes me buy into what they are selling.
Talking about tying shoelaces there has been a lot in todays papers about an Austrialian professor who has done research into tying laces. Out of interest he missed one and that is the single lace as used by soldiers. They knot the lace in the bottom hole of combat boots and then thread it all the way up and then tie it off around their ankles.
Training Interviews
We have experience from the interviewing process and some areas we look at are;
1. Enthusiasm
2. Approachability
3.Structure of the training session ( ie paced properly and reviewed as appropriate)
4. Quality proof read powerpoint slides and handouts.
We do not employ any generic trainers, all have to present in their chosen fields but we give the interviewees the brief and an outline and then they do the rest.
Enjoy the process and it will shine through, look at it as an opportunity to increase your skills rather than getting stressed about it.
Best of luck
Tbdglobal ltd
Shoe laces
Talking of shoe laces. You are correct soldiers do tie it off at the bottom. The reason being that they can simply put the boot on and pull hard on 1 lace to tighten the boot. An other method used by soldiers is to lace from the bottom and effectively miss every other hole out by switching the sides of the laces then going up vertically to the next hole, before switching sides again. This allows them to take the boots off quicker. Contrast of commitment from soldiers?!?