I’m looking to find out a bit more detail on this study which I was introduced to at Training Zone live last year. The study was about reasons for Training Failure and Training Investment and it was used in the session run by Jim Kirkpatrick. I’ve googled it but have had no luck so far. Does anyone have a copy or know where I can get one?

5 Responses
Ask Jim
Hi there, Jim has a Kirkpatrick linked in group so you could ask him directly.
My guess is that what you are after is in:
Brinkerhoff, R.O. (2006)
Try these websites
Brinkerhof is associated with these 2 companies who promote his work on the Advantage Way and Success Case Method. Maybe try contacting them?
Works by Robert Brinkerhoff
My knowledge of his work has come from his books, although "High Impact Learning" pre-dates the survey you mention.
High Impact Learning
The Success Case Method
Telling Training’s Story
Courageous Training
A valuable approach to L&D ROI
In my experience the Success Case Methodology championed by Brinkerhoff is a very valuable approach for HR/L&D to adopt.
In essence, it acknowledges that in any well designed formal training intervention there is likely to be a spread of results. Some attendees will derive benefit from the training and apply the insights gained to enhancing the productivity of their workplace … others will not be as engaged and the organisational benefits they generate will be very limited (with a third group somewhere in the middle). While ROI approaches based on the work of Kirkpatrick tend to monitor the ‘average’ impact, Brinkerhoff encourages an understanding of what creates these differences within a cohort.
This can be very valuable for HR/L&D insofar that: (a) the fact that some learners generate organisational benefits shows that the training can deliver on its intended purpose; and (b) typically key differentiating factors are often outside the control of HR/L&D ..a common one being the ongoing support and mentoring of the learner’s line manager back in the workplace.
This shifts the conversation on the ROI of HR training interventions from the programme design/delivery to the wider organisational culture/context.