I’ve got the opportunity to design a bespoke 2-day career management programme, and whilst I’m happy with most of the topics discussed, the client wants to include a session on ‘internal politics’, as they are a complex, global business with a matrix structure. I wonder if anyone could point me towards good free (or not that expensive) resources that will give me inspiration?
Sheridan Webb
I've got the opportunity to design a bespoke 2-day career management programme, and whilst I'm happy with most of the topics discussed, the client wants to include a session on 'internal politics', as they are a complex, global business with a matrix structure. I wonder if anyone could point me towards good free (or not that expensive) resources that will give me inspiration?
Sheridan Webb
2 Responses
Internal politics
I Have used the following resources from MLR UK
Product ID: 5208UG
Product ID: 5208
Product ID: 7205
Stakeholder maps
Why not get your participants to draw stakeholder maps. Take a piece of A3 paper, landscape. Ask them to draw themselves in the centre, then put all the the peope who have an impact on their success on the diagram, big circle for biggest impact and strong lines for strongest realationships then work out how best to interact with each key person on the diagram? Just a thought – Nigel