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Jon Kennard


Freelance writer

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It’s not a normal…


...week this week, so here's a blog post that's far removed from my normal witterings. In advance of a piece we are publishing on systemic coaching, author, coach and development director of SYAT Jacki McCartney has written a poem on the subject. Who knows what's next? Limericks about Training Needs Analysis? NLP haikus?
Anyway...take it away Jacki.

Coaching and mentoring can be the way
To realise people’s potential today.
Recovering, discovering are processes enough
To get each working with their own stuff
To bring things carefully out of the dark
And help clients recover their own precious spark.

To be authentic and reflective the aim
Seeking to develop a win/win game.
Practising, learning how to be better
Feedback and review, food for a go-getter
A commitment to growth delivers results
Working hard to smooth out faults!

Within the framework of the business plan
Personal development working hand in hand
It sounds so easy, obvious too
Except it can actually be quite a do
Bridging gaps, forging understanding
Individual and organisation’s growth aligning.

Respect and trust first amongst equals
Client centredness another critical prequel.
Listening, reflecting, summarising too
Vital skills that enable the coach to do
What we MUST to support the client
Upon whose growth the organisation is reliant.

A balancing act I'm sure you’ll agree
Trust and integrity holding the key
To developing relationships that build over time
Acknowledging the need to improve and align
The business needs with individual wishes
Business strategy; personal lives – resolving issues.

Adding real value to a client's objective
The contribution of coach must be effective
Creating change with a passion for growth
Development, expansion measures for both
Juggling perspectives the name of the game
That keeps a systemic transformational coach consultant sane.


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Jon Kennard

Freelance writer

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