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Emma Sue Prince



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It’s the end of the world as we know it…


In the Mayan calender the end of 2012 was heralded by some to be the ending of our world, a pretty big misinterpretation but nevertheless an element of truth also. For the Mayans were referring to the end of an era and a new a shift of consciousness. And the world, as we knew it ten or even five years ago has changed in ways we could not have imagined. We are now living in times of simply unprecedented change, competition, and complexity. Technological shifts that happen fast and daily. Economic turmoil, shifting social and geopolitical dynamics, workplace uncertainty and no signs of things getting any better in 2013 or even 2014 make January, a difficult month for most of us, perhaps even more challenging to deal with in 2013.

So, yes, the end of our world, as most of us have known it, is already here. We don’t feel equipped to deal with all of these changes, life is very stressful for most people and generally, there is a feeling of despondency. Yet the Mayans believe that this is simply a period of transition. The key message is about making a choice about how we enter the future ahead. To what extent we move forward with either resistance or acceptance determines whether this transition will be smooth or not.

It is natural to resist change and I believe many people are very resistant to what is happening around us right now. Yet now is the very time to step forward, accept that we are living with extraordinary change and challenges and that with this also come new and exciting opportunities too. We are being called on now, more than ever before, to develop stronger personal skills that help us to work well, reach our potential, be financially secure, have a fulfilling relationship and family life and contribute to society and life with the best of ourselves that we have to offer. We each need to step up to the table and take on personal responsibility for developing the competences and skills we need to not only survive in the world we now live in, but to thrive in it.

We have a real opportunity now to become “better versions” of ourselves and truly reach our full potential. And we can. Each of us really does possess the resources and capability within to develop the key personal skills and competences that we need. We need to think about all of these challenges and be proactive in thinking about how we are going to respond to them.  Each day presents an opportunity to learn more, do more, be more, grow more. There are seven competences and skills that we are, to some extent, hard-wired to possess and develop. They are adaptability, critical thinking, empathy, integrity, optimism, pro-activity and resilience.

A new book, The Advantage, redefines soft skills and the personal resources and competences we each need to develop to cope well in our fast-changing world. Published by Pearson Business March 7th, 2013, pre-order your copy here.

Unimenta is a free membership site for trainers and practitioners delivering soft skills and personal development.

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Emma Sue Prince


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