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Jane Elloitt – Diversity/ Equality


I am setting up training sessions on diversity and equality issues and I am trying to get hold of the Jane Elliott videos Brown Eyes , Blue Eyes, Eye of the Storm and I think Angry Eyes. Also any other such videos with a strong diversity/ equality message content.
Can anyone advise me on how to get hold of these preferably second-hand or new ?
Also I see she is in Birmingham in March - is it worth attending one of her seminars?
Julie Ryland

2 Responses

  1. Jane Elliot
    Hi Julie,
    If you were to miss Jane Elliot, then this would be you’re biggest disappointment of 2003. If ever there was a great Learning Facilitator then it’s her.For further details on her seminars and Video’s contact Gillian Neish on the following E-Mail [email protected].

  2. Don’t miss her!
    Jane Elliott is not to be missed – very entertaining, but, much more importantly, she really makes you think, no matter how seasoned a diversity trainer you are! Her videos are available, pretty cheaply, at Concord. Don’t have their number to hand, but should be easy to find. Hope this helps!


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