Can anybody supply samples of job descriptions for a training manager for a charity?
responsibilites include: Sourcing external suppliers & co-ordinating.;producing training calender of events: Tracking down & accessing funding including for those areas where training is a legel requirement:Marketing the function internally: selling training places externally: set up & maintain training record systems: Induction of new staff, including topics needed legally in relation to nature of work:organise seminars/conferences….etc.
Karin Younger
responsibilites include: Sourcing external suppliers & co-ordinating.;producing training calender of events: Tracking down & accessing funding including for those areas where training is a legel requirement:Marketing the function internally: selling training places externally: set up & maintain training record systems: Induction of new staff, including topics needed legally in relation to nature of work:organise seminars/conferences....etc.
Karin Younger