I need to find a good training package that I can facilitate to employees facing redundancy that will help them with job search and interviews. I would be grateful for some recommendations as I am having difficulty finding a suitable one. I could do it all myself, but I am very short of time and need something to just pick up, review and use.
Many thanks
I need to find a good training package that I can facilitate to employees facing redundancy that will help them with job search and interviews. I would be grateful for some recommendations as I am having difficulty finding a suitable one. I could do it all myself, but I am very short of time and need something to just pick up, review and use.
Many thanks
5 Responses
at the risk of not answering your question…..
In my experience one of the biggest problems faced by redundant "employees" is that they go out looking for "a job"; ie PAYE. In the current economic climate this is actually quite daunting, and even if they are successful many find themselves in the same boat again in a years time when their new employer makes them redundant on the LIFO principle.
What a lot of people learn the hard way is that they may be better off looking at trying to find "earning opportunities"…..interim, contract, self employed, portfolio work.
Consequently many people are better off if they start at basics looking at what they can offer and how they might go about this than the traditional "job search" approach where they may be one of several hundred people all chasing the same vacancy.
If you can wait til August 1st (and I’m sure you can’t) that is the publication date of my next book, "Be Your Own Career Coach" From Pearson Education Ltd. Until then you will find lots of useful material (though not an off the shelf training course) in your local library (if it hasn’t been closed down).
If anyone does think about setting up their own business (either as a ‘full scale’ business or simply as a self employed provider they could do worse than read my last book; Dragons’ Den, Start Your Own Business, From Idea to Income.
Good Luck
Rus Slater
Dealing with Redundancy: Some thoughts.
Hello Claire
I currently offer a 2 session coaching package on a one-to-one basis for clients who have been made redundant. It centres around getting over the shock (an aspect often overlooked but of prime importance), deciding where you want to go (NOT necessarily in finding just a New Job but considering all the options available) and setting out on the path (help with CVs, interview techniques etc). I am based on the Isle of Man but find that Skype and (if you are a Mac Person) Facetime work very well (sometimes even better!)
I had previously offered something similar for employers to offer departing employees but found that, sadly, very few employers were looking to focus in this way on a departing employee. You must be a very understanding employer!
Not sure this is exactly what you want Claire but you can find out more by checking my website http://www.thecinnamoncoach.com. Alternatively, if you think I can help or would like to discuss please email me on angiecoach@manx.net. I’d be happy to share some ideas with you. No obligation of course! 😀 )
Warm regards
redundancy support
Dear Claire,
Was wondering if you have found what you were looking for.
I have extensive expereince of working as a trainer and then Business Manager within the Welfare to Work industry and have done several courses on supporting people under threat of redundancy.
I have a lot of expreince and material.
Please do let me know if this is of interest to you
I am on 07738569673
Job Search training pack for redundant employees
Hi Clare
Do remember that Job Centre Plus have a lot of useful material and may even be able to provide a facilitator to come and speak/advise for an hour or two around this topic.
Other areas, as already stated must include writing/updating CV’s, interview skills – short workshops are useful for these – and working through a job application – what is being looked for and how to include good quality evidence for the essentials and desirables.
Maybe you could ‘tap into’ some local authority/nhs/other large organisation existing sessions. All are going through the same situation at present.
Job Search training pack for redundant employees
Thank you for all your replies. It has certainly given me some food for thought. I will follow up some of your suggestions and do some more exploring.
— Claire S