In Japan there is an art form and philosophy called Kintsugi which roughly translates to 'golden joinery'. It's an approach to recognising and working with the fractures and breakages which ceramics sometimes have, repairing them with seams of golden resin lacquer.
I have a Kintsugi pot which I have with me for some training courses and I share it with participants. It acts as a metaphor and memory hook, illustrating how making mistakes and having to repair them or causing errors and seeking to rectify them leads in many cases to a better outcome and result than had they been 'perfect' from the beginning.less
In Japan there is an art form and philosophy called Kintsugi which roughly translates to 'golden joinery'. It's an approach to recognising and working with the fractures and breakages which ceramics sometimes have, repairing them with seams of golden resin lacquer.
I have a Kintsugi pot which I have with me for some training courses and I share it with participants. It acts as a metaphor and memory hook, illustrating how making mistakes and having to repair them or causing errors and seeking to rectify them leads in many cases to a better outcome and result than had they been 'perfect' from the beginning.less