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Knowledge Asset Management


Firstly I am looking for a ready made presentation (Powerpoint) that describes what KAM is and how its integration within an overall development framework can bring business advantage.

Secondly I am interested in any stand-alone software programmes that can capture the broad range of knowledge, experience, education, achievements and skills in a business. Ideally the system would be accessible to individuals to update and record their own details. Reporting should allow inventories of the Knowledge Assets within the organisation and training needs where the level is below or lower than that required.
Roy Mark

3 Responses

    You may find these people have the software.

    With regard to the powerpoint pres, myself and two colleagues are presenting to the Strategic Planning Society 24th january at Henley Management College. Presentation is currently being updated but will be available after the 24th. Let me know if this is of interest.

  2. No offers of presentations, though am aware of the work BP-Amoco
    I would also be interested to see the presentation from Henley if it can be shared or the contact passed on.

  3. Interested in the powerpoint presentation.
    If it is available after the 24th I also would like to have access.


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