I have a client who is keen to use a questionnaire based survey to assess the culture of the organisation with reference to introducing a Knowledge Management Programme. I will be pleased to hear from anyone who has come across or better still used such a questionnaire.
Many thanks.
George Davies
George Davies
Many thanks.
George Davies
George Davies
6 Responses
Benchmarking for KM
We have a benchmark questionnaire (online)that has been used extensively for assessing organisational readiness for such programmes.
My only word of caution is that the definition of “knowledge management” varies significantly within different industries so we should talk to discuss your exact requirements. Email ali@getfeedback.net
Ali Gill
Relationships facilitate or erode management of knowledge?
I have developed a questionnaire about the working climate of relationships that represents differences in perceptions of diffrent groups within an organisation, expressed in terms of five shaping values.
On Line Surveys & Questionnaires
I have an excellent on line survey and questionnaire compiling & reporting tool.There are no licences or software to buy you just pay for responses.
Asssuming you can get the content from another source I would be delighted to help you use it on line.
Director Click to Market
Useful KM website
Hello George,
You might like to visit http://www.skyrme.com for advice and comment on KM issues like yours. David Skyrme is the author of two reports published by Business Intelligence – ‘Creating the Knowledge-Based Business’, and ‘Measuring the Value of Knowledge’. Apart from the real-life case studies that he researched for these reports, he has access to a wide network of knowledge management practitioners around the world who share best practice information.
Good luck,
Theresa Morrissey
Manager-Strategic Partnerships
Business Intelligence
Tel: 020-8879-3300
qualitative research for assessing culture of an organisation
At dreamsolutions we have used qualitative research i.e. focus groups to explore and understand culture within an organisation along the lines of the Charles Handy: Understanding Organisations model. We use pictures as stimulus material and the findings have been used to reshape strategic planning. We should talk further.
Learning and knowledge management
Hi George, dependant on what sort of approach you would like to use here’s an idea. Colin Rose (Accelerated Learning Systems) offers a workbook and survey based on an organisations culture and willingness to learn. The pack is called ‘Master it Faster’ and offers the ability to be tuned to a company; dependant on numbers. The survey is not the usual sort and is worth a look. I have used it in a project with ‘Comintell’ knowledge management software called ‘Who’What’Where’ as the knowledge capture site. Talk to ALS on Aylesbury 631177 and look at Comintells website for info. Enjoy yourself.