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Ladies & Gentlemen, TIME please…


I've gone topical this week with British Summer time now upon us.

Inspired by family and friends I'd like to explore the beauty of time

One of the most common phrases you will hear every day from colleagues, friends and family is;

"I never seem to have enough time..."

Enough time for what I wonder? To go to the gym? To pick up the phone and say hello? To send a card to a close friend?

We all have the same 24 hours in a day and we all have the same 7 days in each week.
So, enough of the excuses.

I've come to the conclusion that you do the things that you most enjoy (or would prefer to do) and then leave the other things until  last. When you run out of time, you didn't really want to do those other things enough, otherwise you would have made the time and moved them further up your list!

Now, you may beat yourself up about this, but how about telling yourself, that's ok.  Let's just accept that you could do everything if you chose to, but actually you'd rather do some things before others

The question would have to be; what are you doing with your time?

A friend of mine forwarded on a 'profile update' that she had picked up from one of her friends on Facebook. Her friend wrote on her profile:

"The time you spend with your loved ones is the most precious thing you will ever own."

Her 19-year-old daughter has brain cancer and has been given 6 months to live.

She goes on to say;

"The reason I dropped a day at work, was so I could spend more time with my loved ones, before I don't have that choice. When I weighed it up against the loss of money from reducing my hours - no contest! Not that I don't enjoy spending time with my colleagues..."

WOW... This certainly made me think about where I'm spending my time, and YOU can too.

If you're one of those people who is getting bogged down by things right now, or you're a little frustrated with where you're at in life, then this 5 minute exercise will really help.

At the top of a blank piece of paper write on the left hand side - Energy Gain, and on the right hand side - Energy Drain. Under each heading write down all the things that you did over the last week that gave you energy (energy gain) and all the things that took your energy away (energy drain)

If you have more things in the Energy Gain column then you're probably enjoying life right now and are happy with where you are going.

If you have more things in the Energy Drain column then things may not be going so well for you right now and you may feel frustrated or bogged down.

The great thing about this exercise, is that you can see very quickly where your energy is going and if you're not happy, you can quickly do sometihng about it. This exercise works for all aspects of your life -  career, family, health & fitness and  personal development.

Give it a go and let me know how you get on. I use this exercise with all of my clients and they're always amazed by the results...

This week I would like to leave you with a reminder of the old saying;

"yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery; today is a gift which is why it's called the present..."

Enjoy what you're doing this week and take time out to treasure those moments

Thank you for inspiring me to write each week. Your comments and thoughts always seem to find their way back to me.



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