For the first time in ten years learning, training and development professionals are earning higher than the average HR salary, according to a survey by Croner Reward and the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).
Charles Cotton, CIPD Reward Adviser believes this is a reflection of the growing challenges organisations face in overcoming skills shortages.
Managers in the learning and development field earn an average of £45,000, compared to £37,739 last year. They have moved up the ranks from the lowest paid specialists in the HR industry to become the second highest paid, alongside recruitment specialists and employee relations.
Charles Cotton, CIPD reward adviser said that skills shortges were at the root of the increased salary status of L&D.
“Skills shortages and the need for continuous change within organisations are forcing employers to increasingly recognise the strategic importance of learning and development,” Cotton said. “This is being reflected in the increased salaries that many learning, training and development specialists now receive.”
This increased recognition appears to be reflected in job satisfaction in L&D, with 64% describing this as excellent or good.
Cotton added: “CIPD research shows many organisations are now using learning and development to allow internal staff to fill posts, and appointing people who have the potential to grow but who currently don’t have all that’s required in response to these problems. But for this to work effectively learning, training and development professionals need to be sufficiently rewarded.”
Compensation and benefits specialists were the highest paid in the survey. The lowest paid specialism were health and safety.
Charles Cotton, CIPD Reward Adviser believes this is a reflection of the growing challenges organisations face in overcoming skills shortages.
Managers in the learning and development field earn an average of £45,000, compared to £37,739 last year. They have moved up the ranks from the lowest paid specialists in the HR industry to become the second highest paid, alongside recruitment specialists and employee relations.
Charles Cotton, CIPD reward adviser said that skills shortges were at the root of the increased salary status of L&D.
"Skills shortages and the need for continuous change within organisations are forcing employers to increasingly recognise the strategic importance of learning and development,” Cotton said. “This is being reflected in the increased salaries that many learning, training and development specialists now receive.”
This increased recognition appears to be reflected in job satisfaction in L&D, with 64% describing this as excellent or good.
Cotton added: "CIPD research shows many organisations are now using learning and development to allow internal staff to fill posts, and appointing people who have the potential to grow but who currently don't have all that's required in response to these problems. But for this to work effectively learning, training and development professionals need to be sufficiently rewarded."
Compensation and benefits specialists were the highest paid in the survey. The lowest paid specialism were health and safety.