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Leadership Skills for Team Leaders


I am looking at delivering training to team leaders who have never before had formal training of any kind! The remit is to include such concepts as Perception, Image, Positive Thinking as well as exploring some of the popular Leadership theories. I thought it might be interesting to look briefly at some of our great leaders, to analyse what made them great, and strip out elements that would transfer into leadership training for a customer service call centre. Has anyone any research they would be willing to share?
molly carey

2 Responses

  1. Leadership
    A few thoughts
    BELBIN is obviously a good starting point
    Fitting your idea,watch and record the prevailing TV series on Churchill,Kennedy et al
    Also books by J Harvey Jones and Dr Anthony Claire -especially the latter’s potted history of his Radio 4 conversations a good ref point

  2. Arian Associates Ltd
    Having designed and delivered these programes for many years I find it best to get the learners to identify who they themselves consider to be great leaders and to go a stage further and state why.

    Instead of it being a talked at session it becomes a participative session.

    The range of names that crop up are usually as far reaching as from Jesus Christ to Adolf Hitler and the diversity of names thrown up will amaze you – give it a go, it makes for a lively session.


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