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Leadership training


We are currenlty undergoing a leadership development programme. Before we start we are holding a 2 hour presentation to all staff to explain the model we are using, and what leadership it, what is expected of leaders etc..does anyone have, or know where i can get, any literature/presentation examples etc on leadership?
Many thanks
jayne williams

7 Responses

  1. Reading

    There’s some non-academic perspectives on leadership here:

    and an approach to introducing leadership into your organisation here:

    I hope these help. It pays in these types of presentations to have read around leadership as much as possible as many of your employees will likely have differnt views on what leadership is and isn’t and you will feel far more confident and authoritative if you are clear about what leadership means in your organisation.

    Good luck


  2. which model are you using?
    your question was brief but as I read it the presentation to STAFF is all about the expectation on the LEADERS.
    I found that one of the most thought provoking points was the definition oif leadership developed by the Industrial Society some years ago…”Leadership is the relationship between those who choose to lead and those who choose to follow”
    This reminds staff that not all failures of leadership are the responsibility of the leaders…it also remind leaders that not all their successes are down solely to them.

  3. management vs leadership
    I found a paper written by John Kotter really useful – called ‘what leaders really do’ (first appeared in HBR 1990) – in whcih he discusses the difference between management and leadership.
    You could also look at an HBR article called ‘what makes a leader’ by Daniel Goleman

    Of course if you do any kind of websearch or search on Amazon you will get overloaded with stuff – everyone has an opinion on leadership!

  4. Leadership Training “Gurus”
    I speak from my experience as a regular army officer (therefore formally trained in leadersrhip) and also as a manager, engineer and consultant in the Oil Industry.
    I agree that Kotter’s work is great. He focusses on “Leading Change” in a Harvard Busines Review article Mar-Apr 95. Worth reading. Logical and clear.

    I think John Adair is clear and simple too. His book “The Action Centred Leader” could be a text book on hte subject. Many good models are described.

    I believe that people can be taught to lead. But it takes much practice and many hard lessons before one can be a brilliant leader.

    Glad to help further if needed.

  5. Leadership Gurus A to Z

    What leadership model are you briefing?

    What resources have you consulted so far?

    A keyword search at any online bookstore or search engine will reveal a wealth of resources.

    But as consultant Joseph Coates said, ‘…so much that is simply awful has been written…that one could surely fertilise the San Joaquin Valley with the past 10 years of material’ on the subject. A recent ‘leadership’ search yielded over 20,000 hits. My ‘Leadership A to Z’ selection of titles culled from this search may be downloaded at:

    Similarly, a ‘guru’ brainstorm yielded an A-Z selection of people who’ve contributed to what we know about various leadership concepts, principles and practices. It includes (but is certainly not limited to):

    Abrashoff, Mike
    Adair, John
    Adams, Scott
    Argyris, Chris
    Bass, Bernard
    Bardwick, Judith
    Bennis, Warren
    Blanchard, Ken
    Collins, Jim
    Covey, Stephen
    DePree, Max
    Drucker, Peter
    Eden, D.
    Farson, Richard
    Fielder, F.E.
    Gardner, Howard
    Goleman, Daniel
    Handy, Charles
    Hesselbein, Frances
    Iacocca, Lee
    Jago, A.G.
    Kanter, Rosabeth
    Kouzes, Jim
    Lawler, E.E.
    Mintzberg, Henry
    McCall, M.W.
    Noe, R.A.
    O’Rourke, P.J.
    O’Toole, James
    Patton, George S.
    Peters, Tom
    Pozner, Barry
    Quinn, J.B.
    Rothwell, William J.
    Schein, Edgar H.
    Senge, Peter M.
    Sun Tzu
    Tichy, Noel
    Tannenbaum, R. & Schmidt, W.H.
    Ulrich, Dave
    Vroom, V.H. & Yetton, P.W.
    Wheatley, Margaret
    X, Malcolm
    Yukl, Gary
    Zander, Ben and Rosemund

    As mentioned in earlier threads, Yukl’s ‘Leadership in Organizations’ is a good overview, as is ‘What Works: Training and Development Practices (Leadership Development)’ published by ASTD Press.

    Sincere best wishes for a successful presentation.


    Scott G. Welch

  6. Here are some simple notes I have produced in my work on present
    Here are some simple notes produced by me – you are welcome to use them as long as you maintain our copyright.

    These can be located at the following web address – click on leadership attributes.

    Most of my work is around presentation and leadership and I consider it a crucial that businesses ensure that management at all levels get coaching/training in presentation and leadership to ensure effective internal and external communications – the stuff that affects your staff morale and how your customers see you.

    Best wishes,
    Tina Coulsting, Director, Mentor Consultancy,

  7. Why a 2 hr presentation?
    Speaking as great believer in Leadership I would ask why, why, oh why, do a 2 hr presentation? It would be relatively simple to come up with 2 simple exercises, one un-led the other led so that the delegates will be able to identify what is leadership, and why we need it for themselves. This would then give you the opportunity to use the models to hang their experiences off of. Leadership is a dynamic and experiential activity – it won’t work as a single presentation. I make a plea for creativity – please.


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