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Leadership Training Nigeria


Last May in London at the “Be The Change” conference I heard Hafsat Abiola speaking.
She is the daughter of the first president elect of Nigeria.
She is now heavily involved in the Young Womens Leadership programme in Nigeria. She passed my name onto Chioma Ogwuegbu the assistant director of the programme who asked if I could recommend anybody from the UK who would be available to speak at a conference in Abuja between the 11th and 18th September to the Young womens leadership group on Personality Profiling, Organisational Management and Strategic Planning, Presentation Skills and Business Planning.
I myself am committed for much of September and I realise it is short notice.
If anyone can help please contact details to me on [email protected]
Thank you

Peter Hunter

2 Responses

  1. Leadership
    I would be interested in discussing this with you ( very late in the day so no doubt you have solved this by now!)
    If now, I have a background in Sale, marketing and Training and in the armed forces hence an interest in leasdership and being female too…well it might be agood fit!
    let me know

  2. The position has been filled.
    Thank you to everybody who responded in this forum or privately. The speaker has now been selected.


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