I am designing a leading change 1 day workshop for mid/senior level managers in the retail world. Topics covered will be Change Curve, Engaging & Motivating self and others through Change, Change Mindsets – Moving to a new desired state, Resilience and some Coaching pairs work for action planning rounded off with an inspirational speaker from sports performance coaching world. I am looking to play a short inspirational video at the start of the day to get everyone in the leading change zone. Would welcome any thoughts about what I could use…thank you in advance!

5 Responses
Video Arts
Jamie Oliver's school meals initiative.
I have 130 leadership videos
I can send you and anyone else direct links to 130 leadership videos – I now have over 650 on key topics.
My webstite http://www.andrewgibbons.co.uk has a lot of free leadership downloads.
Drop me an email at andrew@andrewgibbons.co.uk and I will send the links to the videos.
All the best,
How about …
might need a tweak here and there!
Thank you
Hi everyone
Many thanks for all your brilliant suggestions. In the end we went for a speaker from within the organisation to inspire with their personal change journey. We used the Debra Searle video on YouTube (see below) in the Resilience section of the day which worked really well as it linked to growth mindset, choose your attitude, coming out of comfort zones etc, opportunities that change brings etc.