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Sheridan Webb

Keystone Development

Training Design Consultant

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Learning about Training Design


 I've been asked to present a 90 minute session about designing training to a mixed group of HR and L&D professionals (both employed and independent). The topic is my specialist subject, but my problem is deciding what element of training design to focus on.

If you were attending a session on training design, what would you want it to cover and why?

Please help me out with this.

Thanks a lot,

Sheridan Webb

5 Responses

  1. Understanding different learning styles


    for me when I was learning about training design the Eureka moment was when I linked learning styles to training design. I attach a link to a learning style survey which you could give to your class to help them understand their own learning style. You could then split the group up by their different learning styles. Then the rest of the session could focus on each learning style group presenting back how they learn best. The key takeaway being that a well designed training session should encorporate all the different learning approaches – something practical for the pragmatists, some personal reflection time/exercises for the reflectors, some models and frameworks for the theorists etc etc.

    Hope that helps.


  2. Training Design in 90 minutes

    Hi Sheridan

    This is not an easy one – there is so much you could cover in this. I suppose it depends what type of training you are designing – is it practical on job training, classroom based, e learning etc

    I agree that Learning Styles are important, and I would also cover the basic structure of designing a training session – an overview of what to include in the Introduction, Development and Consolidation. It would also be good to stress the importance of incorporating interactive techniques such as questioning and interactive exercises in to the design stage. If you had time you could also talk about the importance/use of visual aids.

    I hope this helps, and that the session goes well. Happy to discuss in more detail if you would like to contact me.

    Kind regards

    Sandra Cashell


  3. not a complete answer but….

    Hi Sheridan

    I think that the simple most important facet, whether your audience designs and delivers training interventions themslves or commissions others to design and deliver, is that they fully work out what the business and learning objectives of the training are BEFORE GOING ANY FURTHER.

    So often people wade in with content and method (or even venue and amount of time to be allocated) without getting the foundation of what the outcome should be in terms of business benefit or change of delegate knowledge or behaviour.  Once you know what your business benefit and learning objectives are virtually everything else falls quite quickly into place…but if you don’t actually work those things out before you start you’ll probably end up with a pig’s breakfast no matter what content you use or what methodology you employ. (I’m not dissing the content or any methodology here)

    I’ll now get off my soapbox


  4. Re: Training Design 90 Minutes

     Hi Sheridan

    How about taking them through the Honey & Mumford cycle, the Maslow Stages of Learning and Kolbs model of Experiential Learning.

    That should be enough to get them going and give them enough things to think about designing training sessions that meet the needs of the learners. 

    Andrew Miller 

  5. Show what training is all about.

    Because you have a limited time, I think the best approach is to focus on one critical idea and get them to fully understand and appreciate it. When it comes to training, the most critical skill and methodology which is often neglected is the difference between lecturing and providing an interactive training. Many trainers, especially those who are new, bring over their skills in presenting and lecturing as opposed to letting others find solutions on their own.

    The best way to teach this is not by telling them, but by getting them to do it. They can see through your activity, what you really mean. In other words, set up exercises that teaches delegates the importance of asking questions in a training course, having activities, group discussion, games/puzzles and interactions as opposed to listening to monotone descriptive comments.

    You can get some more ideas from Train the Trainer Training Materials.

    Good luck

    Ehsan Honary


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Sheridan Webb

Training Design Consultant

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