I have been asked to look at the possibility of developing a learning academy for one of the departments I am responsible for and would like to talk to anyone who has experience of doing this or who could reccommend some research resources to help me get a grip on the issues I should be looking at. I am at the very early stages of investigating what will prove to be a very big project so any help will be very useful.
Iain Reynolds
Iain Reynolds
3 Responses
Academies and Corporate Universities
People have different ideas about what is an academy (and what is a corporate university) but for good solid advice with well researched examples I would recommend the Handbook of Corporate University Development by Rob Paton et al. It is very expensive for a book but could save you a lot more in heartache as well as money in the longer term.
an academy for a department?
Not wanting to get tied up in the nomenclature, what size is the department that the academy would be supporting?
Are you really looking at an academy or a learning resource centre type thingy?
If the former you need to have one heck of a robust business case for it as you are looking a pretty huge investment. If the latter the business case should be easier to build as it won’t be a multi million pound investment.
My organsation has a number of strategic partnership one of which is with an organisation that has extensive experience in this area. Please feel free to contact me next week on 0870 908 2 908 and i will happy put you in contact.