Learning at Work Day is finally upon us, and activities around the country are well underway. Hopefully our suggestions have helped to get the ball rolling for your organisation, but here’s a roundup of events taking place around the country today:
- The Language Centre Taster workshops and drop-in sessions on French, German, Spanish and Italian. Food Tasting.Taster workshops for English-GCSE to Degree courses
- Blackburn Trade Union Centre are running an introduction to ILA’s, a bargaining for skills seminar by John Inskip and a session on learning to draw from observation for union members
- Cheshire County Council staff are being given the opportunity to work their day in a way that gives them time to learn, and there will be free short workshops on a range of topics, computer users encouraged to teach colleagues
- Employees at Knowsley Council in Merseyside are taking personal development and getting “outside the box” (finding out how council services outside their area operate) as their themes for the whole week. There will be seminars on personal motivation by Molly Harvey and on planning your team’s development, tours of local libraries and a local primary school, and a behind the scenes visit to the Contract Services department
- The RSA in London are running a series of events including netsurfing, creative writing, progect planning, yoga, DIY, cooking and management development programme. The RSA director is working on reception, and the director of finance is shadowing a floor manager in the conference department
- Manweb are providing work station access to training via their intranet and bespoke delivery and admin system where staff can create their own learning account and access over 700 courses on management, marketing, IT, accountancy and law
- At the Department of Trade and Industry, the director-general will be shadowed by 2 new recruits to the DTI
- the University of Bristol are running a lunchtime promotion – displays from all staff development providers. Web page suggesting things people can do on that day.
- Zenica Pharmaceutical are opening a learning register, where employees commit to carrying out a learning activity during the week. Typical activities registered include 30mins learning how to log on to and use the internet, review notes from a previous course e.g. time management and put one of the actions into practice each day for a week and to go and find out about the work of someone in another department
- The West Country Ambulance Service are holding a ‘Careers Evening’ open to all staff about preparing CVs and application forms, interview skills, careers paths etc.
- Trebor Bassett Ltd are using learning at work day to demonstrate open learning
Learning at Work Day is finally upon us, and activities around the country are well underway. Hopefully our suggestions have helped to get the ball rolling for your organisation, but here's a roundup of events taking place around the country today:- The Language Centre Taster workshops and drop-in sessions on French, German, Spanish and Italian. Food Tasting.Taster workshops for English-GCSE to Degree courses
- Blackburn Trade Union Centre are running an introduction to ILA's, a bargaining for skills seminar by John Inskip and a session on learning to draw from observation for union members
- Cheshire County Council staff are being given the opportunity to work their day in a way that gives them time to learn, and there will be free short workshops on a range of topics, computer users encouraged to teach colleagues
- Employees at Knowsley Council in Merseyside are taking personal development and getting “outside the box” (finding out how council services outside their area operate) as their themes for the whole week. There will be seminars on personal motivation by Molly Harvey and on planning your team's development, tours of local libraries and a local primary school, and a behind the scenes visit to the Contract Services department
- The RSA in London are running a series of events including netsurfing, creative writing, progect planning, yoga, DIY, cooking and management development programme. The RSA director is working on reception, and the director of finance is shadowing a floor manager in the conference department
- Manweb are providing work station access to training via their intranet and bespoke delivery and admin system where staff can create their own learning account and access over 700 courses on management, marketing, IT, accountancy and law
- At the Department of Trade and Industry, the director-general will be shadowed by 2 new recruits to the DTI
- the University of Bristol are running a lunchtime promotion - displays from all staff development providers. Web page suggesting things people can do on that day.
- Zenica Pharmaceutical are opening a learning register, where employees commit to carrying out a learning activity during the week. Typical activities registered include 30mins learning how to log on to and use the internet, review notes from a previous course e.g. time management and put one of the actions into practice each day for a week and to go and find out about the work of someone in another department
- The West Country Ambulance Service are holding a 'Careers Evening' open to all staff about preparing CVs and application forms, interview skills, careers paths etc.
- Trebor Bassett Ltd are using learning at work day to demonstrate open learning